- Democrats’ net neutrality bill would fully restore Obama-era FCC rules
- AT&T Begins Trying To Screw Up HBO In Earnest
- HBO CEO Richard Plepler, Who Forever Shifted TV Landscape, Abruptly Steps Down
- HBO boss quits as owner AT&T seeks more shows and more profit
- “The AT&T Guys, At The End Of The Day, Are Bean Counters”: With Plepler Out Of HBO, Wall Street Scrutinizes The Logic Of AT&T’s Monster Reorg
- As HBO and Turner bosses quit, AT&T announces big Time Warner reorganization
- TV’s brand illusion: It’s no longer about the network. And it probably never was.
- Trump to staff on AT&T/Time Warner merger: “I want that deal blocked!”
- T-Mobile has spent $195,000 at Trump hotel while lobbying for Sprint merger
- US Telcos Teeter Toward Bankruptcy As Comcast’s Broadband Monopoly Grows
- Comcast set mobile pins to “0000,” helping attackers steal phone numbers
- Class Damages Models After Comcast: Rigorous Proof or Expert’s Promise?
- Democrats’ Net Neutrality Bill Would Force Ajit Pai to Actually Do His Job
- The future of cable may be no TV at all, as one small company from Arizona shows
- Broadcasting and Brexit: 10 Things You Need to Know Today
- To Fight Pedophiles, YouTube Disables Comments On Videos Featuring Kids
- YouTube will disable comments on most videos of kids because of pedophiles
- YouTube Disables Comments On Tens Of Millions Of Videos Featuring Kids In Effort To Prevent Adpocalypse 2.0
- YouTube Bans Comments on Videos With Minors
- YouTube is demonetizing all videos about Momo
- Susan Wojcicki Says YouTube’s Mass Disabling Of Comments On Videos Of Kids Is “A Trade-Off” For Young Creators
- YouTube CEO Defends Its Efforts To Reduce Violent Content
- YouTube Is Demonetizing Every Video About The ‘Momo Challenge,’ Which Isn’t Actually A Thing
- That Creepy Momo Sculpture Has Been Destroyed
- YouTube TV Crosses 1 Million Subscriber Mark, Hulu With Live TV Nears 2 Million
- Michael Jackson Estate Turns To YouTube To Shift Focus From HBO’s ‘Leaving Neverland’
- Marzia Bisgonin Says She “Feels Good” About Quitting YouTube, After Adjustment Period
- YouTube May Never Be 100% Safe For Advertisers, Says Company’s U.K. Marketing Director
- YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Agrees To “Tea Session” With Shane Dawson Over ‘Trending’ Tab Concerns
- Comedy Central Launches YouTube Channel To Host Slate Of Original Digital Programming
- EU Set to Make Sweeping Copyright Changes
- The politics behind the proposed copyright directive (Andres Guadamuz)
- Supporters Of Article 13 Briefly Tried To Move Parliament Vote Up Before Scheduled Protests; Now Deny Plan That They Clearly Had
- Why Does MEP Axel Voss Keep Lying About Article 13?
- Article 13 Supporters Find Smoking Gun That Isn’t: Majority Of Tweets Criticizing Copyright Directive Are Not Coming From DC
- Clash Of EU’s Poorly Thought Out Laws: German Data Protection Commissioner Warns That Article 13 Might Violate GDPR
- EU officials say Facebook, Twitter, Google failing in “fake news” battle
- The Equustek Effect: How One Case Has Sparked Canada’s Aggressive Approach Over Internet Jurisdiction (Michael Geist)
- Twitter’s Shift Away From GPS-Tagged Tweets Suggests It Will Be Harder To Fight ‘Deep Fakes’
- Twitter Unveils ‘Timing Is Everything’ Tool To Help Creators Maximize Video Viewership
- BlackBerry Continues Its Shameful Descent Into Patent Trolling By Suing Twitter
- Data Exploiting as an Abuse of Dominance: The German Facebook Decision
- Facebook faces complaints from more former content moderators in lawsuit: The contract workers say repeated exposure to violent images caused significant psychological harm.
- Facebook Finally Shuts Down Its Snooping, B.S. ‘VPN’ After A Full Year Of Complaints
- In Wake Of Data Scandals, Mark Zuckerberg Lays Out Plan To Transform Facebook Into A “Privacy-Focused Communications Platform”
- Mark Zuckerberg On Facebook’s Future And What Scares Him Most
- Mark Zuckerberg pivots to privacy
- Facebook’s Pivot To Privacy Is Missing Something Crucial
- Instagram Fashionista’s Suit Survives Clever Challenges
- Instagram is Working on a New Ad Unit for Sponsored Posts
- Model Misbehavior? Gigi Hadid Faces Copyright Suit Over Instagram Post
- Willie’s Creative Commons lesson: The essential attribution requirement
- Supreme Court Holds Copyright Owners Must Wait to Commence an Infringement Suit Until After the Copyright Office Acts
- Swiss Supreme Court Refuses To Order ISPs To Block ‘Pirate’ Sites
- Oracle Shoots for “Full Moon” and Loses: Supreme Court Says Copyright Award of “Full Costs” Limited to Statutorily Enumerated Costs
- A Big Copyright Mess: Miel Bredouw, Barstool Sports, Slob On My Carol Of The Bells And The DMCA
- The rise of tech-worker activism
- Closing the gender gap in the tech industry: Despite efforts from companies and universities, the number of women majoring in computer science is declining. A non-profit is trying to change that by offering coding lessons to girls as early as kindergarten
- Get ready for a Facebook-sponsored cryptocurrency
- After buying firm run by HackingTeam vets, Coinbase CEO has some regrets
- ‘The Washington Post’ Streamed Michael Cohen’s Testimony On Twitch — With Emojis And Memes Aplenty
- Twitch To Launch ‘Stream Star’ Singing Competition Series With $20,000 Prize
- Legendary Shutters ‘Alpha’ Streaming Service From Nerdist And Geek & Sundry, Moves Programming To Twitch
- The TikTok Takeover: How Gen Z’s New Favorite App Is Turning Memes Into Hits
- TikTok, the Party has Stopped: FTC Levies Record COPPA Fine
- FTC Issues Largest Fine Ever Under COPPA
- FTC Slams TikTok With Record Fine For Spying on Pre-Teens: “This record penalty should be a reminder to all online services and websites that target children.”
- FTC Issues Record $5.7 Million COPPA Penalty Against
-’s COPPA Failure Falls Flat at the FTC; Will Pay Note-Worthy Fine
- The FTC Probably Doesn’t Need A New ‘Big Tech’ Task Force. It Just Needs To Do Its Job
- Can a Hashtag Make a False Claim? #Yes
- The Deep Vault of Millennial Fintech Apps: Savings, investment, and credit card debt services are increasingly marketing to younger users. But they might be useless—or even predatory.
- The Impossibility Of Content Moderation Extends To The People Tasked With Doing Content Moderation
- Google pay equity analysis leads to raises for thousands of men
- What Did Google Actually Find Out About How It Pays Women and Men?
- Google to ban political ads ahead of federal election, citing new transparency rules
- Google decision to ban political ads could leave election war rooms struggling to get message to voters
- The Volvo Polestar 2 is the first Google Android car
- Amazon to give power to brands to remove fakes from website: Retailer also introduces serial numbers and automatic detection to curb frauds sales
- Amazon’s latest program to curb emissions? One delivery day per house, per week
- Amazon to open all-new grocery stores separate from Whole Foods
- Amazon Becomes Latest Video Platform To Pull Anti-Vaccination Content
- NZ Study Yet Again Concludes That Piracy Is A Function Of Price And Ease Of Access
- Insights: Sports Programming Is Digital Media Investors’ Hot New Game
- Can the media business be saved? A “Spotify for news” is not the answer: Chavern’s organization advocates on behalf of 2,000 print and online media outlets.
- Insights: Here’s Why Netflix’s ‘Roma’ Near Miss Still Means It Won Oscar Season
- Steven Spielberg is gunning to make sure Netflix never has another Oscars contender like Roma
- After Roma swept the Oscars, Steven Spielberg seeks to block streaming films
- Steven Spielberg Wants To Bar Netflix From The Academy Awards
- Roma wasn’t built in a day; how Netflix conquered the Oscars
- Netflix is testing even more expensive subscription prices
- Inside the secretly effective–and underrated–way Netflix keeps its shows and movies at the forefront of pop culture
- Netflix Heads to Court: How Fox’s Poaching Trial Could Reshape Hollywood
- With Big Stars and Paid Subscriptions, Luminary Aims to Be the Netflix of Podcasts
- Until the Disney-Fox Deal Closes, Networks Find Themselves in Limbo: Upfronts are looming, but post-acquisition plans can’t be put into action yet
- How Fox Employees Are Bracing for Life Under Disney
- Disney Is Reportedly In Active Discussions To Purchase AT&T’s 10% Stake In Hulu
- Why Is Disney Releasing ‘Avengers,’ ‘Star Wars,’ ‘Frozen’ And ‘Maleficent’ Sequels In The Same Year?
- AT&T Plans to Revamp CNN’s Digital Arm: Telecom giant sees opportunity to reach larger audience; intends to focus on product development and analytics
- Medium lowers its paywall for Twitter users
- Once Again, Sharing Streaming Passwords Is Not ‘Piracy’ Or ‘Freeloading’
- Elon Musk said he doesn’t respect the SEC—he might come to regret it
- Thunderbolt 3 becomes USB4, as Intel’s interconnect goes royalty-free
- Chromium-based Edge screenshots might as well be Chrome
- Microsoft’s latest security service uses human intelligence, not artificial
- Microsoft is first major cloud provider to open African data centers
- Behind the Hype of Apple’s Plan to End Mining
- ‘The risk paid off’: How Apple prevailed in the U.S.-China trade war – But Apple could face future threats if the latest trade talks fail.
- Yes, Apple. Siri Is Extremely Terrible
- Apple no longer refuses to fix iPhones with third-party batteries
- After the Galaxy Fold, Samsung has two more foldable smartphones coming
- Y Combinator CEO: AI Will Replace Jobs, But Life Will Be Awesome
- Are robots competing for your job? Probably, but don’t count yourself out.
- Your March Horoscope Is Here, And Our AI Astrologer Is Getting Smarter
- Making artificial intelligence socially just: why the current focus on ethics is not enough
- Robo ART! – Copyright originality
- Why vinyl records survive in the digital age
- Theranos: How a broken patent system sustained its decade-long deception
- Toughest Work in Technology Transactions: Due Diligence Turnaround
- Emerging Digital Technology and the “Law of the Horse” (Alicia Solow-Niederman)
- Blockchain-based Digital Assets and the Case for Revisiting Copyright’s First Sale Doctrine (Phillip Shaverdian)
- Blockchain Technology and the Government: Dealing With the Threat of Data Manipulation and Increasing Records Longevity (Alexander Fung)
- Injustice Ex Machina: Predictive Algorithms in Criminal Sentencing (Andrew Lee Park)
- Destination Unknown: The Perilous Future of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Technologies Under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (Chris Ott)
- Weirdly interconnected qubits give D-Wave a big jump in performance
- Australia Threatening Over 100 Journalists For Accurately Reporting On Cardinal Pell’s Sex Abuse Trial
- How to protect journalism in the digital age? The Cairncross Review reports
- The Making of the Fox News White House: Fox News has always been partisan. But has it become propaganda?
- How David Pecker Built His Tabloid Empire AMI on Fear
- Source: Leaked Documents Show the U.S. Government Tracking Journalists and Immigration Advocates Through a Secret Database – The documents detail an intelligence-gathering effort by the United States and Mexican authorities, targeting more than 50 people
- Meet J2’s Vivek Shah, the CEO quietly presiding over a $4 billion media business: J2 Global owns a portfolio of media and internet service companies that includes PCMag, Mashable, and Speedtest by Ookla.
- The Tyranny Of Copyright: How A Once-Humble Legal Issue Has Tormented A Generation Of Speech
- Big Win For Open Access, As University Of California Cancels All Elsevier Subscriptions, Worth $11 Million A Year
- Access Copyright v. York U – the Federal Court of Appeal Hearing is March 5 and 6, 2019
- Big Win For Open Access, As University Of California Cancels All Elsevier Subscriptions, Worth $11 Million A Year
- Milan court partly sides with Banksy in interim proceedings for trade mark and copyright infringement
- Judge Refuses To Hand The Government Biker Gang’s Trademark
- Hollywood Accounting Rears Its Ugly Head Again: Fox’s ‘False Testimony’ And ‘Aversion For The Truth’ Leads To $179M Fine
- Don’t Celebrate Copyright Being Used For Political Censorship Just Because You Don’t Like The President
- Producer Scott Rudin Going Around Killing Off Licensed Community Theater Shows Of To Kill A Mockingbird
- U.S. Supreme Court Decides Two Copyright Cases and Impacts Registration Strategy for Copyright Owners
- Registrations, not Applications: Supreme Court Says Copyright Owners Must Wait to Sue
- Supreme Court’s Strict Construction of Copyright Act Pre-Suit Requirements Likely to Up the Ante on “Preregistration”
- Supreme Court Defines “Full Costs” with Respect to the Copyright Act
- Copyright Lawsuits: Harder to Bring, Harder to Collect
- E.D. Pa. Court Dismisses Case, Finding That Fax Was Not An Advertisement
- Captain Marvel Review: Carol Danvers’ debut puts a fresh spin on Marvel’s Phase One origin story formula.
- It’s Been 20 Years Since “Cruel Intentions,” And There’s Never Been Another Movie Quite Like It
- There’s Only One Surviving Blockbuster Left on Planet Earth
- China’s “democracy” includes mandatory apps, mass chat surveillance: Researcher discovers servers in China collecting data on 364 million social media profiles daily.
- The Democratization of Surveillance
- Report: The NSA’s Domestic Metadata Collection System Is Not Being Used and May Be Discontinued
- Telephony Metadata: Is the Contact-Chaining Program Unsalvageable?
- The NSA Appears To Have Shut Down Its Bulk Collection Of Phone Records
- House aide: NSA has shut down phone call record surveillance
- Google temporarily shuts down Android TV photo sharing after privacy bug
- Post-Charlottesville Doxxing and Misidentification Creates Legal Risks–Vangheluwe v. GotNews
- Seventh Circuit Ignores Two Supreme Court Decisions To Hand Out Bad Precedent On Cell Site Location Info
- Two Months Later, News Orgs Are Finally ‘Allowed’ To Report On Top Vatican Official’s Child Molestation Conviction
- Mozilla Says Australia’s Compelled Access Law Could Turn Staff There Into ‘Insider Threats’
- Do professionals have the “right to be forgotten”?
- Deception & Trust: A Deep Look At Deep Fakes
- Stupid Patent Of The Month: Veripath Patents Following Privacy Laws
- Why ‘ji32k7au4a83’ Is a Remarkably Common Password
- The Digital Revolution Takes on New Meaning: Among Calls for Heightened U.S. Data Privacy Measures, California is King
- California and European Privacy FAQs: Do all companies have to post their privacy notices online?
- Congress Holds Hearings on Privacy and Data Protection
- Chicago Tried To Justify Not Informing ACLU Of Social Media Monitoring Partner By Saying ACLU Is Really Mean
- The Importance of Privacy by Design in Mobile Apps (Debunking the Aphorism that any Publicity is Good Publicity)
- Company’s Facebook Snooping Didn’t Prevent Critical Trade Secrets Injunction
- Epic Games is now being sued over loot boxes in Fortnite: Save the World
- Epic Games sued over ‘predatory’ Llama loot boxes: Even though randomized llama loot boxes aren’t a thing anymore
- California man sues Epic Games over “predatory” loot boxes: Complaint alleges Save the World’s loot llamas were “like playing a slot machine”
- Shakedown: Hawaii coming first to the Epic Games Store
- Kartridge is the latest PC storefront using exclusive games to entice players
- Unpacking Recent Loot Box Updates
- Anthem: Bioware Addresses Fan Concerns With Loot Update, Here’s What It Changes
- Anthem is crashing entire PlayStation 4 systems, say players
- EA soliciting help from Anthem players to figure out PS4 crashing issues
- Sony begins refunding Anthem purchases in light of “full power down” reports
- How games whitewash Nazism, and the responsibility developers have to history: Through the Darkest of Times devs explore the industry’s dangerous failure when it comes to depicting fascism
- One week later, THQ Nordic disavows 8chan AMA
- THQ Nordic group CEO apologizes for perturbing 8chan AMA
- THQ Nordic parent company apologizes for 8chan AMA: Co-founder and CEO Lars Wingefors “condemns all unethical content this website stands for”, regrets implicit endorsement
- Valve bans sexual violence game from Steam, but stops short of condemning it
- Steam is in the rape fantasy business | Opinion – Upcoming visual novel highlights the problems with Valve’s refusal to apply content standards to its storefront
- Developers are manipulating Steam’s Popular Upcoming list
- Academics call for industry co-operation on gaming disorder: “We are scrabbling around in the dark here, lighting little matches and seeing tiny bits of the pictures around us,” says Dr David Zendle.
- Nintendo to smartphone game makers: You can only gouge our players so much
- Report: Nintendo is telling mobile development partners to stop players overspending
- Average Nintendo Japan employee earns $80,000, works less than 8 hours per day: Platform holder’s recruitment page also reveals average worker spends 13.5 years at the company
- Nintendo’s first VR product in 24 years is coming to Nintendo Switch
- Newzoo: Games are the third most-popular mobile app category – Half of mobile app users at least check into gaming apps, social media and shopping remain more popular
- Fortnite teams with Weezer in attempt to become the next Second Life: Follows record-breaking stream of DJ Marshmello concert inside its battlegrounds.
- Vivendi has sold off its final Ubisoft shares
- Vivendi sells remaining Ubisoft shares: Media conglomerate ultimately gained €1.2 billion from failed attempt to acquire publisher
- There’s confusion around an unofficial adaptation of One Hour One Life, says dev
- One Hour One Life dev struggles with unofficial port: Jason Rohrer stands by decision to release game into the public domain despite problems with customer confusion around mobile adaptation
- Multiplayer Skyrim mod criticized for lifting code from another mod
- Devil May Cry 5 deluxe edition will let players experience the game like a low-budget movie
- How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize The Way Video Games Are Developed And Played: The advances of modern AI research could bring unprecedented benefits to game development
- Duplication or innovation? How games become genres: Earthbound Games’ Colin Anderson reflects on the rise of the FPS, the sandbox RPG and more
- A new triple-A Star Wars game will be announced at Celebration Chicago in April
- What Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is and how it could change EA
- Apex Legends attracts 50 million players in first month
- Apex Legends hits 50 million players: Respawn’s free-to-play battle royale game passes milestone in its first month of release
- Is Red Dead Redemption Online tanking Take-Two’s share price? | Opinion: Despite fantastic sales, Take-Two can’t catch a break – perhaps because investors expected RDR2 to be something it simply isn’t
- Activision Blizzard: 800 job cuts could “negatively impact” our business: Call of Duty publisher has set aside $150 million to compensate affected staff
- Activision recognises $164m revenues from giving up Destiny rights: Publisher reiterates it “no longer has any material rights or obligations” to Bungie’s franchise
- New ToeJam & Earl game, 8Bitdo controller get Genesis nostalgia right: Sega wasn’t involved with game or controller, but its Sega Ages line gets a shout, too.
- One of Pokémon’s New Starters, in the Style ofDetective Pikachu
- Why arcade Pac-Man players literally grabbed onto the game
- Don’t Miss: Between a rock and a ‘Harada’ place: The massive Tekken interview
- Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links hits 90 million downloads
- Cloud gaming will determine the new lord of digital distribution
- Tencent set to unveil new cloud gaming service: Tencent Instant Play to bring cloud gaming to PC and Android, overview with Intel planned for GDC
- Nexon shortlists five bidders including Kakao and Tencent
- Tencent among shortlisted bidders for Nexon: Netmarble not invited but forms consortium with MBK partners, main bidding to begin in early April
- Electronic Arts, Amazon, and Comcast make bids to buy Nexon
- Horizon Zero Dawn sold over 10 million copies in 2 years
- PlayStation’s upcoming Chinese conference aims to boost locally-made games
- Sony PlayLink developer Wish Studios has shut down
- PlayStation Japan signals imminent end to PS Vita shipments
- Sony ends PlayStation Vita production in Japan
- Blog: Move or Die and its four year journey to the PS4
- Here are the most popular PlayStation games, based on public trophy data
- Wish Studios closing down: Brighton-based indie developer shutters, leading to 13 redundancies
- Dev shares real talk about the personal costs of living in fear of layoffs
- Discless Xbox “Maverick” could arrive as soon as May
- Disc-less Xbox arriving in May, report suggests: Latest information appears to confirm several rumours from last year
- Phil Spencer claims Xbox’s multi-device future will benefit everyone
- From “schokly” licensed games to a critically acclaimed indie: Oxenfree co-director Sean Krankel on the collapse of shovelware and how it helped shape Night School Studio
- Dear Villagers: “We’re trying to find the best indie games that could be AA” – Head of publishing Guillaume Jamet talks us through the ambition behind Playdius’ rebrand
- Playdius rebrands as Dear Villagers, plans to focus on PC and console titles
- Dying Light dev TechLand to close Polish publishing department
- Techland planning to shut down Polish publishing division by the end of the year: 13 employees expected to be laid off by end of 2019, global publishing business to remain intact
- Merch maker Numskull Designs is getting into game publishing
- Merchandise firm Numskull forms games publishing division with Rising Star vets
- Dropbox’s Angela Roseboro is Riot Games’ first chief diversity officer: “I was so taken by the heart and soul of this company and – in spite of setbacks or hurdles – I’m excited to be part of this journey”
- POC in Play formed to promote racial diversity, equity in UK gaming industry: Founders include multiple industry veterans, with UsTwo Games offering support
- BrightLocker dissolved as devs claim unpaid debts: Holding company takes over community-building platform as developers say they haven’t been paid money owed
- Roblox boasts over 1 billion hours of engagement per month
- In Less Than A Day, ‘Critical Role’ Fans Pledge $3.3+ Million To Bring Animated ‘Vox Machina’ Special To Life
- Update: Critical Role Animated Special Kickstarter Hits $4 Million
- eSports – Advergaming and the new frontier of advertising law and image rights
- Nintendo announces Tetris 99 Maximus Cup tournament
- ESL & Oculus Announce Esport’s VR League Season 3, Biggest Prize Pool Yet
- Warriors Gaming Squad drafts NBA 2K League’s first woman player – Chiquita Evans: “Barriers are made to be broken… I’m just the beginning”
- VR and cloud gaming frenzy seizes MWC as 5G hype builds
- Hipfire Games raises additional $205k for VR gameFailspace
- VR and mobile developer Hipfire Games raises over $200,000: Financial investment to boost debut game Fail Space
- Crowdfunding platform BrightLocker shuts down
- Why HTC targeted Vive Pro at gamers, and why Pro Eye won’t replace it
- Magic Leap Announces First Round of Independent Creator Program Grant Recipients
- Oculus planning a stricter, ‘quality-first’ approach for Quest app submissions
- Oculus Quest targets “quality-first” approach with more stringent store curation: Developers must have concept document approved before submitting games to Quest store
- Blog: Designing a planet-scale real-world AR platform
- Blog: Remembering Advance Wars
- Road to the IGF: Seemingly Pointless’ eCheese Zone
- YouTube Premium’s Woman-Led Video Game Dramedy ‘It’s A Man’s World’ Sets Core Cast
- The Influencer is dead. Long live the influencer: Latest analysis shows Top 10 influencers account for 84% of yearly view growth – but a spot in that list is not secure year-on-year
- U.S. Patent No. 4,445,187: Video games with voice dialog
- Blog: Historians discuss Far Cry 2