- I feel cheated’: Big telcos hike prices for $60 plans with 10 GB, sparking complaints
- The Federal Government Signals a New Policy Approach for the CRTC in the Telecom Sector (Stephen Zolf)
- Net Neutrality Update: House Hearing and Proposed Legislation
- New Bill Would Enshrine The FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules Into Standalone Federal Law
- John Oliver Robocalls Ajit Pai For Not Doing More To Thwart Robocalls
- John Oliver fights robocalls… by robocalling Ajit Pai and the FCC
- Combatting Illegal Robocalls: FCC’s “Top Consumer Protection Priority”
- T-Mobile Still Pretending That Staying At Trump’s DC Hotel Isn’t An Obvious Ploy To Gain Merger Approval
- Report Claims Trump Pushed For AT&T Time Warner DOJ Lawsuit To Hurt CNN, Help Rupert Murdoch
- AT&T CFO Says Growing WarnerMedia, Reducing Debt Are Key Priorities
- AT&T raises DirecTV Now price—again—after promising lower post-merger bills
- Sprint steps up fight against AT&T’s “fake 5G” with full-page Sunday NYT ad
- Yes, 5G will cost you more—Verizon plans $10 add-on charge for 5G access
- Russian Telecom Giant Agrees to Pay $850 Million in Penalties to Resolve Alleged Involvement in FCPA Bribery Scheme
- Tucker Carlson’s war on the ruling class is a master class of misdirection
- DramaFever’s Former Finance VP Sues Warner Bros., Alleging Anti-Asian Bias
- Do TV Program Ratings Do a Good Job Telling Families Which Programs are Appropriate for Kids to Watch? Congress Wants to Know, So the FCC is Asking
- Cable and satellite TV sinks again as online streaming soars
- Ajit Pai’s rosy broadband deployment claim may be based on gigantic error
- Much Of The Broadband Growth Ajit Pai Credits To Killing Net Neutrality Was Actually Due To A Clerical Error
- New York hasn’t followed through on order to kick Charter out of state
- Portland Lawmakers Want to Block 5G Rollout, Citing Shaky Health Risks
- A Call to Regulate E-Cig Advertising – What is the FCC’s Role in Regulating Advertising For the Vices?
- Researchers Tune In To Smallest Radio Frequency In Quantum Mechanics
- Elizabeth Warren Proposes Plan to Break Up Big Tech
- Elizabeth Warren proposes breaking up Amazon, Google, and Facebook
- Here’s how we can break up Big Tech
- How To Actually Break Up Big Tech
- SXSWarren: A day later, Elizabeth Warren defends her Big Tech breakup proposal
- Elizabeth Warren Wants To Break Up Amazon, Google And Facebook; But Does Her Plan Make Any Sense?
- Everyone’s Overreacting To The Wrong Thing About Facebook (Briefly) Blocking Elizabeth Warren’s Ads
- It Sure Sounds Like Elizabeth Warren Wants To Bring The EU Copyright Directive Stateside
- House of Lords calls for new Digital Authority to regulate tech giants: New authority would oversee regulation to “facilitate the urgent change that is needed”
- Seeking the “right regulation” of digital services: Lords’ Communications Committee articulates its vision
- UK lords call for central ‘Digital Authority’ to help regulate internet: They want government to take a more aggressive approach.
- Regulating in a digital world (House of Lords)
- FTC Launches a New Task Force Dedicated to Monitoring the Tech Industry for Anti-Competitive Practices
- Tim Berners-Lee on 30 years of the world wide web: ‘We can get the web we want’
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says democracy ‘has a Facebook problem’: The comments came after the platform took down ads criticizing its power
- Facebook and Google to be fined for harmful content, Margot James says
- As anti-vax movement gets weirder—and dumber—Facebook announces crackdown
- Anti-vaxx ‘mobs’: doctors face harassment campaigns on Facebook
- Zuckerberg: Facebook will shift focus to private networks instead of open ones
- Why Facebook’s pivot to privacy could backfire: If all this is a PR stunt, it would be a very bad bargain
- Facebook Watch Sets New 24-Hour Viewing Record With Jada Pinkett Smith’s ‘Red Table Talk’
- Facebook Watch’s New Video Incubator To Act As Matchmaker For Publishers, Influencers
- Zuckerberg: Facebook is Building a Machine to Read Your Thoughts
- Facebook’s Privacy Cake
- A Trip Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Sprawling, Embattled Compound in Hawaii
- Yes, Actually, There Is A Lot Of Good News In Zuckerberg’s New Plans For Facebook
- Facebook is testing ‘Watch Party’ features on Instagram, too
- Facebook Watch’s New Video Incubator To Act As Matchmaker For Publishers, Influencers
- When Facebook Goes Down, Don’t Blame Hackers
- Instagram founders on Snapchat and breaking up Facebook
- Do People Want A Better Facebook, Or A Dead Facebook?
- How Two Years Of Instagram Stories Has Altered The Way We Love, Act And Play
- Dangerous Speech and Misinformation Fans India – Pakistan War
- GOP funds messaging sites that look remarkably like trusted local news
- The Company That Owns MrBeast And Jake Paul’s YouTube MCN Just Lost Its Network Status For “Egregious and Repeated” Policy Violations
- YouTube Terminated Yeah1’s MCN Status, So It’s Selling ScaleLab Back To Original Owners For $12 Million
- YouTube Terminates All ‘SevenAwesomeKids’ Channels After Owner Ian Rylett Pleads Guilty To Child Abuse
- YouTube Star Olivia Jade Emerges As Beneficiary In College Bribery Scandal
- YouTube Continues Conspiracy Crackdown With Fact-Checking Cards On Search Results
- Here’s How YouTube Fought ‘Captain Marvel’ Trolls
- YouTube fought Brie Larson trolls by changing its search algorithm
- Father Of Alison Parker Accuses YouTube Of Promoting Conspiracy Theories About His Daughter’s Murder
- Youtube’s Family Vloggers Worry About Their Future Amid Comment Section Crackdown: Without comments, YouTube is just ‘short films’
- YouTube, Louis Vuitton Host Emma Chamberlain At Paris Fashion Week
- Disaster In The Making: Article 13 Puts User Rights At A Disadvantage To Corporate Greed
- Major Labels Split On Support For Article 13; As Music Publishers Whine That They Can’t Make Money From Parodies
- UN Human Rights Expert Warns EU Not To Pass Article 13
- German Government Confirms That Article 13 Does Mean Upload Filters, Destroying Claims To The Contrary Once And For All
- 170 Years Of German Publishers Demanding Special Copyrights For The Press Because Of New Technology
- YouTube Premium, YouTube Music Roll Out To Critical Indian Market
- Logan Paul Investigates One Of YouTube’s Top Conspiracies In ‘Flat Earth: To The Edge And Back’
- Man Arrested After Driving Across U.S. To Confront Google Employees He Suspected Shut Down His YouTube Channel
- Google Hardware makes cuts to laptop and tablet development, cancels products
- Identifying and acting on fake advertorial content
- Court Ruling Provides Help to Brands Struggling with Grey Market Sales on Online Marketplaces
- Elon Musk’s late-night announcement to raise prices and reopen some stores
- Musk lawyers accuse SEC of “unconstitutional power grab”
- EU Parliament Paid News Publisher AFP To Create Bogus Propaganda Video In Favor Of EU Copyright Directive
- Beyond Hybrid War: How China Exploits Social Media to Sway American Opinion
- Netflix “Doubling Down” On Interactive Content After Success Of ‘Bandersnatch’
- Bandersnatch was a hit, so Netflix plans to make more interactive shows like it
- Netflix wants to make more interactive shows after the success of Black Mirror: Bandersnatch: Wacky comedies or romantic Choose Your Own Adventure-style stories are possibilities
- Netflix And ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Producer Team On Scripted Thai Cave Rescue Series
- Netflix’s Formula 1: Drive to Survive finds pressure at the core of F1
- Disney to close “vault” for good as it moves film library to streaming service
- With Fox, Disney will have an even bigger footprint in Hollywood
- Amazon to close all its pop-up shops: Company said Wednesday it will focus on opening more bookstores instead
- Sorry Amazon: Philadelphia bans cashless stores
- Hearst Opens L.A. Production Studio Ahead Of Clevver Relaunch In Coming Weeks
- BuzzFeed CEO Says Company Is Generating Over $200: Million Annually From Businesses That Didn’t Exist Two Years Ago
- Microsoft proves the critics right: We’re heading toward a Chrome-only Web
- Nvidia to acquire high performance computing company Mellanox for $6.9 billion
- Allo Could Have Been Great. Google Blew It.
- Do You Really Need Disclosures in Google Ads?
- Google to Ban Political Ads in Canadian Election
- Boeing Promises Software Update For Plane That Crashed
- eCommerce Executive Pleads Guilty to Price Fixing on Online Marketplace
- N.Y. Court of Appeals: No Difference Between “Private” and “Public” Posts in Discovery
- Windows 10 passes 800 million devices
- Why I Regret Upgrading to an iPhone XS
- A “serious” Windows 0-day is being actively exploited in the wild
- Competition Bureau chief expected to continue focus on Big Data
- Artificial Intelligence: Canadian and International Trends
- AI & Global Governance: The Advantages of Applying the International Human Rights Framework to Artificial Intelligence (Centre for Policy Research at United Nations University)
- Laws should monitor bias in AI, experts say
- U.S. Army Assures Public That Robot Tank System Adheres to AI Murder Policy
- Could On-Demand Artificial Intelligence-based Authentication End The Fake News Menace?
- Why Inclusion Matters for the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- “What can artificial intelligence teach us about fairness?”
- Patch is using AI to write 3,000 articles a week
- Degenerate Feedback Loops in Recommender Systems (Ray Jiang, Silvia Chiappa, Tor Lattimore, Andras Agyorgy, Pushmeet Kohli)
- This Site Detects Whether Text Was Written by a Bot
- Tech That Can “Detect Emotion” Could Keep You From Getting A Job
- See The Robot Head That Might Interview You For Your Next Job
- You’re Hired! This Site Generates Random Neural Network Résumés: These gibberish résumés show that HR might still require a human touch.
- Facial recognition’s ‘dirty little secret’: Millions of online photos scraped without consent – People’s faces are being used without their permission, in order to power technology that could eventually be used to surveil them, legal experts say.
- Using Creative Commons images to train artificial intelligence (Andres Guadamuz)
- Why IBM Thinks Quantum Computers Will Boost Machine Learning
- Data mining, AI and Media: A brave new world?
- Why Self-Checkout Is and Has Always Been the Worst
- Failure to Launch – OSC Director Determines That Bitcoin Fund is Not Ready for the Retail Spotlight
- The ability to say NO on the Internet
- Reclaiming the Data Commons
- Twitter Defeats Yet Another Lawsuit from a Suspended User–Cox v. Twitter (Eric Goldman)
- Section 230 Preempts Unfair Competition Law Claim–Taylor v. Twitter (Eric Goldman)
- Appeals Court Upholds Dismissal Of Defamation Lawsuit Against Actor James Woods
- Tweet Containing Question Mark Isn’t Defamatory–Boulger v. Woods
- “We’re killing our capacity for creativity”: Twitter VP Bruce Daisley explains why checking emails outside of work and the misuse of open plan offices is creating so much stress
- Twitter Debuts An In-App Camera Function
- Twitter Launches Improved In-App Camera With 280-Second Video Limit
- Filtering Software Defeats Another Lawsuit–PC Drivers v. Malwarebytes (Eric Goldman)
- Vice May Be Looking to Raise Another $200 Million (Report)
- After Laying Off 250 Staffers, Vice Is Now Looking To Raise $200 Million (Report)
- Copyright in the Digital Single Market – Link Tax
- Empowering the Marginalized: Tales of the Digital Good Life
- You are seeing this because you are…: Targeted advertisements are getting so specific they’ll choose the color of your next panties before you even knew you wanted them.
- Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination
- Calling Doctor Google? Technology Adoption and Health Information Seeking among Low-income African-American Older Adults (Hyunjin Seo, Joseph Erba, Mugur Geana, Crystal Lumpkins)
- Cookie Policy
- Website Law Alert – A Website’s Non-Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Copyright Act Can be Expensive
- Is It Actually Okay To Touch Your Computer Screen?
- Who are the next billion users and what do they want?
- A Book Review Of Code And Other Laws Of Cyberspace
- Thoughtful design as the gateway to ethical data processing
- The Web’s Dad Isn’t Angry, Just Disappointed
- German Football League To Try Novel Antipiracy Strategy Of Actually Having Legal Alternatives For Its Content
- The Trouble With Emojis
- ‘Sealioning’ Is A Common Trolling Tactic On Social Media–What Is It?
- Even the Queen Needs a Social Media Policy
- Delete Never: The Digital Hoarders Who Collect Tumblrs, Medieval Manuscripts, and Terabytes of Text Files
- Supreme Court Says Of Course You Need To Register Your Copyright Before You Can Sue; Copyright Trolls & Hollywood Freak Out
- SCOTUS issues ruling in Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp. v., LLC
- Supreme Court Requires Completed Copyright Registration Before Filing Suit–Fourth Estate Public Benefit v. Wall-Street
- Application Rejected: Supreme Court Requires Registration to Commence Copyright Infringement Suit
- More Copyright Policy Should Be As Boring As This Supreme Court Decision
- Banksy wins pivotal case against museum for trademark infringement
- Court Rules “Transformed” Photo of Candidate is Fair Use, Not Infringement
- Big Fair Use Win For Mashups: ‘Oh, The Places You’ll Boldly Go!’ Deemed To Be Fair Use
- NYTimes Reporter Gets Bogus Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed As Judge Philosophizes About SLAPP Suits
- Adverts must avoid harmful gender stereotypes
- Race and Resistance Amid Feminism, Priming, and Capitalism: The (surprisingly-globalized) Visual of an Asian American Woman Activist
- Captain Marvel review: The hero we, and Marvel Studios, need right now
- Captain Marvel is kicking the box office’s ass
- Captain Marvel’s Box Office Success Defies Trolls: In spite of the haters and the controversy, Captain Marvel prevailed at the box office this weekend.
- Why It’s Actually Great That ‘Captain Marvel’ Is Just Fine
- Captain Marvel’s Directors Discuss the Importance of the Women in Carol Danvers’ Life
- calc.exe is now open source; there’s surprising depth in its ancient code
- 5 Reasons You Really Need To Go See ‘Captain Marvel’
- Stan Lee’s Captain Marvel cameo raises a lot of questions
- Man angry his photo was used to prove all hipsters look alike — then learns it wasn’t him
- Supreme Court Issues Two Important Decisions Tackling Copyright Registration and Litigation Costs
- DuBay v. King
- Denver Club “Stripped” Carmen Electra and Others of Compensation, Suit Says
- How generational attitudes towards IP are impacting the law
- Was La Toya Jackson Right About Her Family All Along?
- Music Writer From 1999 Predicts What Bands Will Still Be Around in 2019
- Redefining our privacy expectations: The SCC’s recent Jarvis ruling will have broad effects, particularly in the grey areas, on the use of surveillance technology.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: ‘Privacy Protection’ Now Used As An Excuse To Cut Off Investigative Journalists From Key Database
- New Florida Bill Seeks To Bury Recordings Of Mass Shootings
- A world of hurt after GoDaddy, Apple, and Google misissue >1 million certificates
- Appeals Court Doesn’t Buy Government’s National Security Assertions; Says Lawsuit Against FBI Can Continue
- OSFI Provides New Guidance on Technology and Cybersecurity
- United States Federal Trade Commission strikes one for children’s privacy
- FTC Not Kidding Around with TikTok’s Record-Setting COPPA Fine – Five Steps to Reduce Your Risk Now
- Data Privacy Alert: TikTok to Pay $5.7 Million for Violating COPPA
- FTC Enters Consent Decree with TikTok and Issues Largest-Ever Fine Under COPPA
- JavaScript infinite alert prank lands 13-year-old Japanese girl in hot water
- Citrix says its network was breached by international criminals
- Three men cop to $21 million vishing and smishing scheme: Phone-based scam may be low-tech, but it netted big bucks, prosecutors say.
- An email marketing company left 809 million records exposed online
- A brief history of Wi-Fi security protocols from “oh my, that’s bad” to WPA3
- CBP Put A Bunch Of Journalists, Immigration Lawyers, And Activists On A Secret Watchlist
- Clapper Continues To Pretend He Didn’t Lie To Congress About Domestic Surveillance Programs
- Owner of MAGA-Friendly Yelp Knockoff Threatens to Call FBI After Researcher Exposes Security Holes
- “Yelp, but for MAGA” turns red over security disclosure, threatens researcher
- Major Data Privacy Changes at Tech Companies Are a Sign of the Times
- The Galaxy S10’s face unlock fooled by pictures, siblings
- Why people think their phones are listening to them
- It’s Apparently Easy To Pretend To Be A Cop, Grab Location Data From Cellular Carriers
- FOIA Documents Detail DHS/CBP’s Rules-Free Rollout Of Biometric Scanning Program
- Thailand Decides To Make Its Terrible Cybersecurity Law Even Worse
- Take-Two settles copyright case with another GTA V cheat creator: Defendant Erik Cameron acknowledges violations, pays undisclosed settlement
- Take-Two Interactive shares jump after Sony acquisition rumors
- About those rumors Sony is buying Take-Two…: How “purely unconfirmed market speculation” turns into headlines around the industry
- Sega pulls Judgment from sale in Japan following drug arrest
- Sega pulls Judgment from sale in Japan after actor arrested for alleged cocaine use: Publisher is considering next move after Pierre Taki admits to violating nation’s drug laws
- Anita Sarkeesian talks about exposing gaming’s most toxic trends with sheer data
- Inclusion in games a pressing concern for players, according to survey
- Spyro Reignited Trilogy now features subtitles in cutscenes
- Activision adds classic Spyro subtitles months after fan outcry [Updated]
- War Child UK’s Armistice fundraiser raised $380k in 2018
- The ‘equal pay and equal say’ structure of the game dev studio KO_OP
- Don’t Miss: Dealing with the scourge of burnout in game dev
- EA says it failed in response to Sims influencer’s alleged sexual harassment
- EA apologises for delay in dealing with Sims community sexual predator: “We are disappointed in how events have unfolded and we own our responsibility to that,” says The Sims general manager
- Respawn has banned 355,000 in ‘ongoing war’ againstApex Legends cheaters
- Respawn has banned over 355,000 Apex Legends cheaters since launch: “We take cheating very seriously and care deeply about the health of Apex Legends for all players,” says developer
- MrBeast Drops Video Of Real Life, EA-Sponsored ‘Apex Legends’ Battle Starring 39 YouTubers Competing For $200,000
- App Annie: Tencent retains spot as top revenue-earning publisher for third year – NetEase takes second once more, Activision Blizzard rises to No. 3
- NetEase and Tencent included in latest round of China game approvals
- Ninja reportedly earned $1m for promotion of Apex Legends: Top streamer Tyler Blevins one of the few paid for promotion of EA and Respawn’s surprise release battle royale
- Celebrities drop Fortnite dance lawsuits, but only temporarily
- Fortnite adjusts cross-platform play to separate out Switch and mobile users: Xbox One and PS4 players will be together by default with Switch and mobile in their own pool
- ‘The Carlton’ Dances Its Way Out of Copyright Protection
- 2 Milly, Alfonso Ribeiro, others drop lawsuits against Epic Games over dances: Supreme Court ruling on copyright law forces plaintiffs to wait for dances to be granted copyright registration
- Valve removes rape fantasy game from Steam: “We think ‘Rape Day’ poses unknown costs and risks and therefore won’t be on Steam”
- With Rape Day ban, Steam shows it’s not as “hands off” as it claims
- UK politician calls for review of Steam, sexually violent content
- Rape Day prompts call for UK government review: British MP questions how Valve is “able to get away with this kind of stupidity”
- When good monetization meets bad ethics: Riot Games’ Leanne Loombe says the industry needs to be driven by more than revenue to avoid regulation
- Building a better world through games: Riot’s Soha El-Sabaawi, Microsoft’s Gabi Michel, Tru Luv’s Brie Code, and Ubisoft’s Kaitlin Tremblay discuss challenges and strategies for making the industry and the world beyond it a better place
- New Microsoft app lets users stream PC games to an Xbox One
- PS4 Remote Play is now possible on iPhones and iPads
- Newest PS4 Update Lets You Stream Your PS4 Screen To iOS Devices
- You can now play PlayStation 4 games on your iPhone
- Sony launches PS4 Remote Play for iOS: App allows users to play PS4 games on mobile device, but sans DualShock 4 controllers
- PlayStation Now launches in 7 more countries
- Google patent application describes notification system for multi-device controller: Filing unearthed ahead of big GDC reveal next week
- Jade Raymond appointed new VP at Google: EA Motive founder joins company just ahead of teased GDC reveal
- Game industry vet Jade Raymond signs on as a Google VP
- Jade Raymond Named Vice President of Google
- All signs point to a Google game console announcement at GDC
- Google Play apps with 150 million installs contain aggressive adware
- Hennig: “Things are clearly not working the way they used to” – Uncharted creative director says mass layoffs a red flag that AAA development must change, shift to outsourcing “feels inevitable”
- 209 were laid off from Blizzard as part of earlier Activision Blizzard cuts
- Blizzard cuts more than 200 US jobs as part of Activision restructure: IT and marketing sees most layoffs, Overwatch firm’s cuts account for more than a quarter of planned 800 redundancies
- Blizzard brings original Diablo to GOG: Game is available now DRM-free, Warcraft and Warcraft II planned as well
- Devil May Cry 5 is Capcom’s second UK No.1 of 2019
- Anthem tumbles to No.4
- Brawl Stars made $150m in its first three months: Supercell’s newest game has also passed 75 million installs, biggest audience is US
- Marvel Strike Force first-year revenue topped $150 million
- Octopath Traveler shipped 1.5 million copies, has a mobile prequel on the way
- The Division 2 won’t be sold on digital third-party stores following its launch
- EA isn’t hosting a press conference at E3 2019
- EA foregoes EA Play press conference for E3: EA Play will begin the Friday before E3 and focus on hands-on demos, livestreams
- Anthem’s launch and the power of the sunk-cost fallacy | Opinion: Bioware’s latest is one of the most egregiously unfinished and broken launches in many years, but these games often get free pass – for now
- Halo: Master Chief Collection is finally confirmed for PC, will include Reach
- Game studio funding: The right investor at the right stage
- “Our whole world fell apart”: The fall of Splendy Games – Simon Sparks offers a cautionary tale of how an ambitious indie collapsed, and the toll it took on his mental health
- Don’t let your first game be your last | Opinion: Game Dragons’ Philip Oliver advises indies on how to select a project that will set up the future of their studio
- Evolving the way we think about community | Opinion: Abusive influencers show companies need to reconsider who they lend their legitimacy to, and how
- SpatialOS dev Improbable is setting up its own game development studios
- Improbable opens first development studios in London and Edmonton: Former BioWare GM Aaryn Flyn to lead Canadian team, while UK will be headed by former DICE producer John Wasilczyk
- Tim Sweeney: Storefront battle will be won with developer support – Epic Games CEO says PC digital storefronts are “nearly perfect” for consumers already
- Epic plans to add an undo button to Fortnite’s in-game store
- Phoenix Point will be an Epic Games Store exclusive for a year
- Konami building esports centre to help Japan catch up with Western ‘pioneers’
- Konami building esports centre in downtown Tokyo: 12-storey building will open doors this November, will offers classes to help grow Japan’s esports scene
- How do you spell e-Stadium?
- Gaming Luminaries Ninja, DrLupo, And CouRage Sign With Talent Management Firm ‘Loaded’
- Valve laid off 13 staff and terminated ‘a portion’ of contracted devs last month
- Valve lays off 13, some involved with VR: Company says layoffs “do not represent any major changes”
- Valve Laid Off Contractors and 13 Employees, Some Working on VR
- Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield is no longer working on Valve’s Artifact
- Valve terminates contract with Artifact designer: “We weren’t surprised by the layoff considering how rocky the launch was,” says Richard Garfield
- GameByte: Parents’ increase game spending for their kids by 34% in 2018 – Nintendo Switch is the console children request to spend money on the most
- Nintendo reportedly asks mobile partners to stop players from spending so much: Company concerned with being perceived as greedy, requests third party developers adjust microtransactions
- Nintendo introduces Nintendo Labo VR Kit: Fourth Labo series kit includes six creations, including VR goggles for “shareable, simple VR gaming experiences”
- Brand new Nintendo Labo kits will turn your Switch into a VR headset
- Nintendo veterans reflect on the risks and rewards of hardware development
- Nintendo Jumps into VR (Again) With Switch VR ‘Labo’ Kit Coming in April
- How VR brought me inside a scary-real radioactive Fukushima reactor: Here’s what it’s like inside the melted down reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
- CAA Continues Foray Into Gaming Creator Space With ‘Criken’, Elspeth Eastman (Exclusive)
- Cloud games tech firm Hadean raises £7m
- Black jackets, sunglasses, and radical accountability as a worker co-op: Scott Benson and Bethany Hockenberry explain why and how The Glory Society follows a “no bosses needed” model
- U.S. Patent No. 6,231,444: Operating device for game machine
- Don’t Miss: A water interaction model for great video game boat physics
- Video: Creating the unique visuals of Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
- Video: Recreating a classic era in automotive history inMafia III
- Netflix is turning Dragon’s Dogma into an anime series
- Dwarf Fortress is headed to Steam and, 17 years into its development
- Unknown NES wrestling game discovered, beaten 30 years later
- The death of Flash is exaggerated, argues one Flash developer
- The eyes have it: Creating believable digital humans
- Blog: The psychology of matchmaking
- Blog: The two philosophies of gameplay
- Blog: How music enhances virtual presence