News of the Week; March 13, 2019


  1. I feel cheated’: Big telcos hike prices for $60 plans with 10 GB, sparking complaints
  2. The Federal Government Signals a New Policy Approach for the CRTC in the Telecom Sector (Stephen Zolf)
  3. Net Neutrality Update: House Hearing and Proposed Legislation
  4. New Bill Would Enshrine The FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules Into Standalone Federal Law
  5. John Oliver Robocalls Ajit Pai For Not Doing More To Thwart Robocalls
  6. John Oliver fights robocalls… by robocalling Ajit Pai and the FCC
  7. Combatting Illegal Robocalls: FCC’s “Top Consumer Protection Priority” 
  8. T-Mobile Still Pretending That Staying At Trump’s DC Hotel Isn’t An Obvious Ploy To Gain Merger Approval
  9. Report Claims Trump Pushed For AT&T Time Warner DOJ Lawsuit To Hurt CNN, Help Rupert Murdoch 
  10. AT&T CFO Says Growing WarnerMedia, Reducing Debt Are Key Priorities
  11. AT&T raises DirecTV Now price—again—after promising lower post-merger bills
  12. Sprint steps up fight against AT&T’s “fake 5G” with full-page Sunday NYT ad
  13. Yes, 5G will cost you more—Verizon plans $10 add-on charge for 5G access
  14. Russian Telecom Giant Agrees to Pay $850 Million in Penalties to Resolve Alleged Involvement in FCPA Bribery Scheme 
  15. Tucker Carlson’s war on the ruling class is a master class of misdirection
  16. DramaFever’s Former Finance VP Sues Warner Bros., Alleging Anti-Asian Bias
  17. Do TV Program Ratings Do a Good Job Telling Families Which Programs are Appropriate for Kids to Watch? Congress Wants to Know, So the FCC is Asking 
  18. Cable and satellite TV sinks again as online streaming soars
  19. Ajit Pai’s rosy broadband deployment claim may be based on gigantic error
  20. Much Of The Broadband Growth Ajit Pai Credits To Killing Net Neutrality Was Actually Due To A Clerical Error
  21. New York hasn’t followed through on order to kick Charter out of state
  22. Portland Lawmakers Want to Block 5G Rollout, Citing Shaky Health Risks
  23. A Call to Regulate E-Cig Advertising – What is the FCC’s Role in Regulating Advertising For the Vices? 
  24. Researchers Tune In To Smallest Radio Frequency In Quantum Mechanics 


  1. Elizabeth Warren Proposes Plan to Break Up Big Tech
  2. Elizabeth Warren proposes breaking up Amazon, Google, and Facebook
  3. Here’s how we can break up Big Tech
  4. How To Actually Break Up Big Tech
  5. SXSWarren: A day later, Elizabeth Warren defends her Big Tech breakup proposal
  6. Elizabeth Warren Wants To Break Up Amazon, Google And Facebook; But Does Her Plan Make Any Sense?
  7. Everyone’s Overreacting To The Wrong Thing About Facebook (Briefly) Blocking Elizabeth Warren’s Ads 
  8. It Sure Sounds Like Elizabeth Warren Wants To Bring The EU Copyright Directive Stateside 
  9. House of Lords calls for new Digital Authority to regulate tech giants: New authority would oversee regulation to “facilitate the urgent change that is needed” 
  10. Seeking the “right regulation” of digital services: Lords’ Communications Committee articulates its vision 
  11. UK lords call for central ‘Digital Authority’ to help regulate internet: They want government to take a more aggressive approach.
  12. Regulating in a digital world (House of Lords) 
  13. FTC Launches a New Task Force Dedicated to Monitoring the Tech Industry for Anti-Competitive Practices 
  14. Tim Berners-Lee on 30 years of the world wide web: ‘We can get the web we want’
  15. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says democracy ‘has a Facebook problem’: The comments came after the platform took down ads criticizing its power
  16. Facebook and Google to be fined for harmful content, Margot James says
  17. As anti-vax movement gets weirder—and dumber—Facebook announces crackdown
  18. Anti-vaxx ‘mobs’: doctors face harassment campaigns on Facebook
  19. Zuckerberg: Facebook will shift focus to private networks instead of open ones
  20. Why Facebook’s pivot to privacy could backfire: If all this is a PR stunt, it would be a very bad bargain
  21. Facebook Watch Sets New 24-Hour Viewing Record With Jada Pinkett Smith’s ‘Red Table Talk’
  22. Facebook Watch’s New Video Incubator To Act As Matchmaker For Publishers, Influencers
  23. Zuckerberg: Facebook is Building a Machine to Read Your Thoughts
  24. Facebook’s Privacy Cake
  25. A Trip Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Sprawling, Embattled Compound in Hawaii
  26. Yes, Actually, There Is A Lot Of Good News In Zuckerberg’s New Plans For Facebook
  27. Facebook is testing ‘Watch Party’ features on Instagram, too
  28. Facebook Watch’s New Video Incubator To Act As Matchmaker For Publishers, Influencers
  29. When Facebook Goes Down, Don’t Blame Hackers
  30. Instagram founders on Snapchat and breaking up Facebook
  31. Do People Want A Better Facebook, Or A Dead Facebook?
  32. How Two Years Of Instagram Stories Has Altered The Way We Love, Act And Play
  33. Dangerous Speech and Misinformation Fans India – Pakistan War
  34. GOP funds messaging sites that look remarkably like trusted local news
  35. The Company That Owns MrBeast And Jake Paul’s YouTube MCN Just Lost Its Network Status For “Egregious and Repeated” Policy Violations
  36. YouTube Terminated Yeah1’s MCN Status, So It’s Selling ScaleLab Back To Original Owners For $12 Million
  37. YouTube Terminates All ‘SevenAwesomeKids’ Channels After Owner Ian Rylett Pleads Guilty To Child Abuse
  38. YouTube Star Olivia Jade Emerges As Beneficiary In College Bribery Scandal
  39. YouTube Continues Conspiracy Crackdown With Fact-Checking Cards On Search Results
  40. Here’s How YouTube Fought ‘Captain Marvel’ Trolls 
  41. YouTube fought Brie Larson trolls by changing its search algorithm 
  42. Father Of Alison Parker Accuses YouTube Of Promoting Conspiracy Theories About His Daughter’s Murder
  43. Youtube’s Family Vloggers Worry About Their Future Amid Comment Section Crackdown: Without comments, YouTube is just ‘short films’ 
  44. YouTube, Louis Vuitton Host Emma Chamberlain At Paris Fashion Week
  45. Disaster In The Making: Article 13 Puts User Rights At A Disadvantage To Corporate Greed
  46. Major Labels Split On Support For Article 13; As Music Publishers Whine That They Can’t Make Money From Parodies
  47. UN Human Rights Expert Warns EU Not To Pass Article 13
  48. German Government Confirms That Article 13 Does Mean Upload Filters, Destroying Claims To The Contrary Once And For All
  49. 170 Years Of German Publishers Demanding Special Copyrights For The Press Because Of New Technology
  50. YouTube Premium, YouTube Music Roll Out To Critical Indian Market
  51. Logan Paul Investigates One Of YouTube’s Top Conspiracies In ‘Flat Earth: To The Edge And Back’
  52. Man Arrested After Driving Across U.S. To Confront Google Employees He Suspected Shut Down His YouTube Channel
  53. Google Hardware makes cuts to laptop and tablet development, cancels products
  54. Identifying and acting on fake advertorial content
  55. Court Ruling Provides Help to Brands Struggling with Grey Market Sales on Online Marketplaces
  56. Elon Musk’s late-night announcement to raise prices and reopen some stores
  57. Musk lawyers accuse SEC of “unconstitutional power grab”
  58. EU Parliament Paid News Publisher AFP To Create Bogus Propaganda Video In Favor Of EU Copyright Directive
  59. Beyond Hybrid War: How China Exploits Social Media to Sway American Opinion
  60. Netflix “Doubling Down” On Interactive Content After Success Of ‘Bandersnatch’
  61. Bandersnatch was a hit, so Netflix plans to make more interactive shows like it 
  62. Netflix wants to make more interactive shows after the success of Black Mirror: Bandersnatch: Wacky comedies or romantic Choose Your Own Adventure-style stories are possibilities 
  63. Netflix And ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Producer Team On Scripted Thai Cave Rescue Series
  64. Netflix’s Formula 1: Drive to Survive finds pressure at the core of F1
  65. Disney to close “vault” for good as it moves film library to streaming service
  66. With Fox, Disney will have an even bigger footprint in Hollywood
  67. Amazon to close all its pop-up shops: Company said Wednesday it will focus on opening more bookstores instead
  68. Sorry Amazon: Philadelphia bans cashless stores
  69. Hearst Opens L.A. Production Studio Ahead Of Clevver Relaunch In Coming Weeks 
  70. BuzzFeed CEO Says Company Is Generating Over $200: Million Annually From Businesses That Didn’t Exist Two Years Ago
  71. Microsoft proves the critics right: We’re heading toward a Chrome-only Web
  72. Nvidia to acquire high performance computing company Mellanox for $6.9 billion
  73. Allo Could Have Been Great. Google Blew It.
  74. Do You Really Need Disclosures in Google Ads?
  75. Google to Ban Political Ads in Canadian Election
  76. Boeing Promises Software Update For Plane That Crashed
  77. eCommerce Executive Pleads Guilty to Price Fixing on Online Marketplace
  78. N.Y. Court of Appeals: No Difference Between “Private” and “Public” Posts in Discovery 
  79. Windows 10 passes 800 million devices
  80. Why I Regret Upgrading to an iPhone XS
  81. A “serious” Windows 0-day is being actively exploited in the wild
  82. Competition Bureau chief expected to continue focus on Big Data
  83. Artificial Intelligence: Canadian and International Trends 
  84. AI & Global Governance: The Advantages of Applying the International Human Rights Framework to Artificial Intelligence (Centre for Policy Research at United Nations University)
  85. Laws should monitor bias in AI, experts say
  86. U.S. Army Assures Public That Robot Tank System Adheres to AI Murder Policy
  87. Could On-Demand Artificial Intelligence-based Authentication End The Fake News Menace?
  88. Why Inclusion Matters for the Future of Artificial Intelligence
  89. “What can artificial intelligence teach us about fairness?”
  90. Patch is using AI to write 3,000 articles a week
  91. Degenerate Feedback Loops in Recommender Systems (Ray Jiang, Silvia Chiappa, Tor Lattimore, Andras Agyorgy, Pushmeet Kohli)
  92. This Site Detects Whether Text Was Written by a Bot
  93. Tech That Can “Detect Emotion” Could Keep You From Getting A Job 
  94. See The Robot Head That Might Interview You For Your Next Job
  95. You’re Hired! This Site Generates Random Neural Network Résumés: These gibberish résumés show that HR might still require a human touch.
  96. Facial recognition’s ‘dirty little secret’: Millions of online photos scraped without consent – People’s faces are being used without their permission, in order to power technology that could eventually be used to surveil them, legal experts say. 
  97. Using Creative Commons images to train artificial intelligence (Andres Guadamuz)
  98. Why IBM Thinks Quantum Computers Will Boost Machine Learning
  99. Data mining, AI and Media: A brave new world? 
  100. Why Self-Checkout Is and Has Always Been the Worst
  101. Failure to Launch – OSC Director Determines That Bitcoin Fund is Not Ready for the Retail Spotlight
  102. The ability to say NO on the Internet
  103. Reclaiming the Data Commons
  104. Twitter Defeats Yet Another Lawsuit from a Suspended User–Cox v. Twitter (Eric Goldman)
  105. Section 230 Preempts Unfair Competition Law Claim–Taylor v. Twitter (Eric Goldman)
  106. Appeals Court Upholds Dismissal Of Defamation Lawsuit Against Actor James Woods
  107. Tweet Containing Question Mark Isn’t Defamatory–Boulger v. Woods 
  108. “We’re killing our capacity for creativity”: Twitter VP Bruce Daisley explains why checking emails outside of work and the misuse of open plan offices is creating so much stress
  109. Twitter Debuts An In-App Camera Function
  110. Twitter Launches Improved In-App Camera With 280-Second Video Limit
  111. Filtering Software Defeats Another Lawsuit–PC Drivers v. Malwarebytes (Eric Goldman)
  112. Vice May Be Looking to Raise Another $200 Million (Report)
  113. After Laying Off 250 Staffers, Vice Is Now Looking To Raise $200 Million (Report)
  114. Copyright in the Digital Single Market – Link Tax
  115. Empowering the Marginalized: Tales of the Digital Good Life
  116. You are seeing this because you are…:  Targeted advertisements are getting so specific they’ll choose the color of your next panties before you even knew you wanted them.
  117. Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Design Justice, A.I., and Escape from the Matrix of Domination
  118. Calling Doctor Google? Technology Adoption and Health Information Seeking among Low-income African-American Older Adults (Hyunjin Seo, Joseph Erba, Mugur Geana, Crystal Lumpkins)
  119. Cookie Policy
  120. Website Law Alert – A Website’s Non-Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Copyright Act Can be Expensive
  121. Is It Actually Okay To Touch Your Computer Screen? 
  122. Who are the next billion users and what do they want?
  123. A Book Review Of Code And Other Laws Of Cyberspace
  124. Thoughtful design as the gateway to ethical data processing
  125. ­­­
  126. The Web’s Dad Isn’t Angry, Just Disappointed  
  127. German Football League To Try Novel Antipiracy Strategy Of Actually Having Legal Alternatives For Its Content
  128. The Trouble With Emojis
  129. ‘Sealioning’ Is A Common Trolling Tactic On Social Media–What Is It?
  130. Even the Queen Needs a Social Media Policy
  131. Delete Never: The Digital Hoarders Who Collect Tumblrs, Medieval Manuscripts, and Terabytes of Text Files


  1. Supreme Court Says Of Course You Need To Register Your Copyright Before You Can Sue; Copyright Trolls & Hollywood Freak Out
  2. SCOTUS issues ruling in Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp. v., LLC 
  3. Supreme Court Requires Completed Copyright Registration Before Filing Suit–Fourth Estate Public Benefit v. Wall-Street
  4. Application Rejected: Supreme Court Requires Registration to Commence Copyright Infringement Suit 
  5. More Copyright Policy Should Be As Boring As This Supreme Court Decision
  6. Banksy wins pivotal case against museum for trademark infringement
  7. Court Rules “Transformed” Photo of Candidate is Fair Use, Not Infringement
  8. Big Fair Use Win For Mashups: ‘Oh, The Places You’ll Boldly Go!’ Deemed To Be Fair Use
  9. NYTimes Reporter Gets Bogus Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed As Judge Philosophizes About SLAPP Suits
  10. Adverts must avoid harmful gender stereotypes 
  11. Race and Resistance Amid Feminism, Priming, and Capitalism: The (surprisingly-globalized) Visual of an Asian American Woman Activist
  12. Captain Marvel review: The hero we, and Marvel Studios, need right now
  13. Captain Marvel is kicking the box office’s ass
  14. Captain Marvel’s Box Office Success Defies Trolls: In spite of the haters and the controversy, Captain Marvel prevailed at the box office this weekend.
  15. Why It’s Actually Great That ‘Captain Marvel’ Is Just Fine 
  16. Captain Marvel’s Directors Discuss the Importance of the Women in Carol Danvers’ Life
  17. calc.exe is now open source; there’s surprising depth in its ancient code
  18. 5 Reasons You Really Need To Go See ‘Captain Marvel’
  19. Stan Lee’s Captain Marvel cameo raises a lot of questions
  20. Man angry his photo was used to prove all hipsters look alike — then learns it wasn’t him
  21. Supreme Court Issues Two Important Decisions Tackling Copyright Registration and Litigation Costs
  22. DuBay v. King
  23. Denver Club “Stripped” Carmen Electra and Others of Compensation, Suit Says 
  24. How generational attitudes towards IP are impacting the law
  25. Was La Toya Jackson Right About Her Family All Along? 
  26. Music Writer From 1999 Predicts What Bands Will Still Be Around in 2019


  1. Redefining our privacy expectations: The SCC’s recent Jarvis ruling will have broad effects, particularly in the grey areas, on the use of surveillance technology.
  2. Be Careful What You Wish For: ‘Privacy Protection’ Now Used As An Excuse To Cut Off Investigative Journalists From Key Database
  3. New Florida Bill Seeks To Bury Recordings Of Mass Shootings
  4. A world of hurt after GoDaddy, Apple, and Google misissue >1 million certificates
  5. Appeals Court Doesn’t Buy Government’s National Security Assertions; Says Lawsuit Against FBI Can Continue
  6. OSFI Provides New Guidance on Technology and Cybersecurity
  7. United States Federal Trade Commission strikes one for children’s privacy
  8. FTC Not Kidding Around with TikTok’s Record-Setting COPPA Fine – Five Steps to Reduce Your Risk Now
  9. Data Privacy Alert: TikTok to Pay $5.7 Million for Violating COPPA
  10. FTC Enters Consent Decree with TikTok and Issues Largest-Ever Fine Under COPPA 
  11. JavaScript infinite alert prank lands 13-year-old Japanese girl in hot water
  12. Citrix says its network was breached by international criminals
  13. Three men cop to $21 million vishing and smishing scheme: Phone-based scam may be low-tech, but it netted big bucks, prosecutors say.
  14. An email marketing company left 809 million records exposed online
  15. A brief history of Wi-Fi security protocols from “oh my, that’s bad” to WPA3
  16. CBP Put A Bunch Of Journalists, Immigration Lawyers, And Activists On A Secret Watchlist
  17. Clapper Continues To Pretend He Didn’t Lie To Congress About Domestic Surveillance Programs
  18. Owner of MAGA-Friendly Yelp Knockoff Threatens to Call FBI After Researcher Exposes Security Holes
  19. “Yelp, but for MAGA” turns red over security disclosure, threatens researcher
  20. Major Data Privacy Changes at Tech Companies Are a Sign of the Times 
  21. The Galaxy S10’s face unlock fooled by pictures, siblings
  22. Why people think their phones are listening to them
  23. It’s Apparently Easy To Pretend To Be A Cop, Grab Location Data From Cellular Carriers
  24. FOIA Documents Detail DHS/CBP’s Rules-Free Rollout Of Biometric Scanning Program
  25. Thailand Decides To Make Its Terrible Cybersecurity Law Even Worse


  1. Take-Two settles copyright case with another GTA V cheat creator: Defendant Erik Cameron acknowledges violations, pays undisclosed settlement
  2. Take-Two Interactive shares jump after Sony acquisition rumors
  3. About those rumors Sony is buying Take-Two…: How “purely unconfirmed market speculation” turns into headlines around the industry
  4. Sega pulls Judgment from sale in Japan following drug arrest
  5. Sega pulls Judgment from sale in Japan after actor arrested for alleged cocaine use: Publisher is considering next move after Pierre Taki admits to violating nation’s drug laws
  6. Anita Sarkeesian talks about exposing gaming’s most toxic trends with sheer data
  7. Inclusion in games a pressing concern for players, according to survey
  8. Spyro Reignited Trilogy now features subtitles in cutscenes
  9. Activision adds classic Spyro subtitles months after fan outcry [Updated]
  10. War Child UK’s Armistice fundraiser raised $380k in 2018
  11. The ‘equal pay and equal say’ structure of the game dev studio KO_OP
  12. Don’t Miss: Dealing with the scourge of burnout in game dev
  13. EA says it failed in response to Sims influencer’s alleged sexual harassment
  14. EA apologises for delay in dealing with Sims community sexual predator: “We are disappointed in how events have unfolded and we own our responsibility to that,” says The Sims general manager
  15. Respawn has banned 355,000 in ‘ongoing war’ againstApex Legends cheaters  
  16. Respawn has banned over 355,000 Apex Legends cheaters since launch: “We take cheating very seriously and care deeply about the health of Apex Legends for all players,” says developer
  17. MrBeast Drops Video Of Real Life, EA-Sponsored ‘Apex Legends’ Battle Starring 39 YouTubers Competing For $200,000
  18. App Annie: Tencent retains spot as top revenue-earning publisher for third year – NetEase takes second once more, Activision Blizzard rises to No. 3
  19. NetEase and Tencent included in latest round of China game approvals
  20. Ninja reportedly earned $1m for promotion of Apex Legends: Top streamer Tyler Blevins one of the few paid for promotion of EA and Respawn’s surprise release battle royale
  21. Celebrities drop Fortnite dance lawsuits, but only temporarily
  22. Fortnite adjusts cross-platform play to separate out Switch and mobile users: Xbox One and PS4 players will be together by default with Switch and mobile in their own pool
  23. ‘The Carlton’ Dances Its Way Out of Copyright Protection
  24. 2 Milly, Alfonso Ribeiro, others drop lawsuits against Epic Games over dances: Supreme Court ruling on copyright law forces plaintiffs to wait for dances to be granted copyright registration 
  25. Valve removes rape fantasy game from Steam: “We think ‘Rape Day’ poses unknown costs and risks and therefore won’t be on Steam”
  26. With Rape Day ban, Steam shows it’s not as “hands off” as it claims
  27. UK politician calls for review of Steam, sexually violent content  
  28. Rape Day prompts call for UK government review: British MP questions how Valve is “able to get away with this kind of stupidity” 
  29. When good monetization meets bad ethics: Riot Games’ Leanne Loombe says the industry needs to be driven by more than revenue to avoid regulation
  30. Building a better world through games: Riot’s Soha El-Sabaawi, Microsoft’s Gabi Michel, Tru Luv’s Brie Code, and Ubisoft’s Kaitlin Tremblay discuss challenges and strategies for making the industry and the world beyond it a better place
  31. New Microsoft app lets users stream PC games to an Xbox One 
  32. PS4 Remote Play is now possible on iPhones and iPads
  33. Newest PS4 Update Lets You Stream Your PS4 Screen To iOS Devices
  34. You can now play PlayStation 4 games on your iPhone
  35. Sony launches PS4 Remote Play for iOS: App allows users to play PS4 games on mobile device, but sans DualShock 4 controllers
  36. PlayStation Now launches in 7 more countries
  37. Google patent application describes notification system for multi-device controller: Filing unearthed ahead of big GDC reveal next week
  38. Jade Raymond appointed new VP at Google: EA Motive founder joins company just ahead of teased GDC reveal
  39. Game industry vet Jade Raymond signs on as a Google VP
  40. Jade Raymond Named Vice President of Google
  41. All signs point to a Google game console announcement at GDC
  42. Google Play apps with 150 million installs contain aggressive adware
  43. Hennig: “Things are clearly not working the way they used to” – Uncharted creative director says mass layoffs a red flag that AAA development must change, shift to outsourcing “feels inevitable”
  44. 209 were laid off from Blizzard as part of earlier Activision Blizzard cuts
  45. Blizzard cuts more than 200 US jobs as part of Activision restructure: IT and marketing sees most layoffs, Overwatch firm’s cuts account for more than a quarter of planned 800 redundancies 
  46. Blizzard brings original Diablo to GOG: Game is available now DRM-free, Warcraft and Warcraft II planned as well
  47. Devil May Cry 5 is Capcom’s second UK No.1 of 2019
  48. Anthem tumbles to No.4
  49. Brawl Stars made $150m in its first three months: Supercell’s newest game has also passed 75 million installs, biggest audience is US
  50. Marvel Strike Force first-year revenue topped $150 million
  51. Octopath Traveler shipped 1.5 million copies, has a mobile prequel on the way
  52. The Division 2 won’t be sold on digital third-party stores following its launch 
  53. EA isn’t hosting a press conference at E3 2019  
  54. EA foregoes EA Play press conference for E3: EA Play will begin the Friday before E3 and focus on hands-on demos, livestreams
  55. Anthem’s launch and the power of the sunk-cost fallacy | Opinion: Bioware’s latest is one of the most egregiously unfinished and broken launches in many years, but these games often get free pass – for now
  56. Halo: Master Chief Collection is finally confirmed for PC, will include Reach
  57. Game studio funding: The right investor at the right stage
  58. “Our whole world fell apart”: The fall of Splendy Games – Simon Sparks offers a cautionary tale of how an ambitious indie collapsed, and the toll it took on his mental health
  59. Don’t let your first game be your last | Opinion: Game Dragons’ Philip Oliver advises indies on how to select a project that will set up the future of their studio
  60. Evolving the way we think about community | Opinion: Abusive influencers show companies need to reconsider who they lend their legitimacy to, and how 
  61. SpatialOS dev Improbable is setting up its own game development studios
  62. Improbable opens first development studios in London and Edmonton: Former BioWare GM Aaryn Flyn to lead Canadian team, while UK will be headed by former DICE producer John Wasilczyk 
  63. Tim Sweeney: Storefront battle will be won with developer support – Epic Games CEO says PC digital storefronts are “nearly perfect” for consumers already
  64. Epic plans to add an undo button to Fortnite’s in-game store
  65. Phoenix Point will be an Epic Games Store exclusive for a year  
  66. Konami building esports centre to help Japan catch up with Western ‘pioneers’
  67. Konami building esports centre in downtown Tokyo: 12-storey building will open doors this November, will offers classes to help grow Japan’s esports scene
  68. How do you spell e-Stadium? 
  69. Gaming Luminaries Ninja, DrLupo, And CouRage Sign With Talent Management Firm ‘Loaded’
  70. Valve laid off 13 staff and terminated ‘a portion’ of contracted devs last month
  71. Valve lays off 13, some involved with VR: Company says layoffs “do not represent any major changes”
  72. Valve Laid Off Contractors and 13 Employees, Some Working on VR
  73. Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield is no longer working on Valve’s Artifact
  74. Valve terminates contract with Artifact designer: “We weren’t surprised by the layoff considering how rocky the launch was,” says Richard Garfield
  75. GameByte: Parents’ increase game spending for their kids by 34% in 2018 – Nintendo Switch is the console children request to spend money on the most
  76. Nintendo reportedly asks mobile partners to stop players from spending so much: Company concerned with being perceived as greedy, requests third party developers adjust microtransactions
  77. Nintendo introduces Nintendo Labo VR Kit: Fourth Labo series kit includes six creations, including VR goggles for “shareable, simple VR gaming experiences”
  78. Brand new Nintendo Labo kits will turn your Switch into a VR headset
  79. Nintendo veterans reflect on the risks and rewards of hardware development
  80. Nintendo Jumps into VR (Again) With Switch VR ‘Labo’ Kit Coming in April
  81. How VR brought me inside a scary-real radioactive Fukushima reactor: Here’s what it’s like inside the melted down reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
  82. CAA Continues Foray Into Gaming Creator Space With ‘Criken’, Elspeth Eastman (Exclusive)
  83. Cloud games tech firm Hadean raises £7m
  84. Black jackets, sunglasses, and radical accountability as a worker co-op: Scott Benson and Bethany Hockenberry explain why and how The Glory Society follows a “no bosses needed” model
  85. U.S. Patent No. 6,231,444: Operating device for game machine 
  86. Don’t Miss: A water interaction model for great video game boat physics
  87. Video: Creating the unique visuals of Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
  88. Video: Recreating a classic era in automotive history inMafia III
  89. Netflix is turning Dragon’s Dogma into an anime series
  90. Dwarf Fortress is headed to Steam and, 17 years into its development
  91. Unknown NES wrestling game discovered, beaten 30 years later
  92. The death of Flash is exaggerated, argues one Flash developer
  93. The eyes have it: Creating believable digital humans
  94. Blog: The psychology of matchmaking
  95. Blog: The two philosophies of gameplay
  96. Blog: How music enhances virtual presence


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