See you later Allard Comm. Law 2019

There is an inherent contradiction in saying goodbye to a communications law class in 2019. There are precious few certainties given the multi-dimensional nature of the subject, but one feature we can identify with reasonable certainty is that there are few if any permanent goodbyes. Communications technologies make information frighteningly persistent. Even the right to be forgotten is not a right of erasure, but merely a right to remain lost among constantly searching algorithms. It’s hard not be found if someone is looking for you – it’s all in the precision of code.

So it is that all I can say with certainty is “see you later”, and a few other things. Those other things are:

  1. Thank you;
  2. You were a lot of fun; and
  3. You were often brilliant, especially those of you willing to look deeply and fairly at the inherent challenges of technologies theoretically built to unite us that can equally serve to divide.

Though real world events have always visited communications law, the last few years have produced visitations that seem to be far  more like being possessed in demonic, or if you prefer, zombie-ish ways. Learning with you has either convinced me or further convinced me (as the case may be) that technology is indeed a neutral tool subject to human foibles, that politics are symptoms not causes, and that there are equal parts magic and striving in our creative imperative to be human.

So though there are many things to thank you for, one is certainly that I walk away (slightly) less confused rather than before. Hopefully all of you have found some good in the experience of the course, and perhaps even your own piece of clarity about how law, technology and communications might best intersect. Though never say forever, the questions and conundrums (with more to come) are likely to stay with for a very long time, and because there are few real good-byes anymore we might even see how the seeds we’ve sown together grow and evolve…

My you be healthy, happy and forever open and curious commlaw 2019. It was a distinct pleasure and honour to spend time with you.


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