- CRTC tells wireless companies to stop offering 3-year contracts again
- CRTC ups the CASL liability ante for directors and officers
- Cable Programming Blackouts Continue To Rise As Cord-Cutting Continues
- FCC finally orders ISPs to say exactly where they offer broadband
- ISP Frontier is failing so badly it won’t take questions from investors
- Pai’s FCC orders cities and towns to stop regulating cable broadband
- FCC Seeks to Close the Digital Divide with Its Proposed $20.4 Billion Rural Digital Opportunity Fund
- Virgil Quick Come See: FCC Drives Down Local Government Regulation of Cable Operators
- FCC Adopts Rules Banning Spoofing of Texts and Foreign Calls
- FCC adopts rules to ban malicious spoofing of texts and international calls
- FCC Releases Order Removing Unbundling, Resale Requirements for Price Cap ILECs
- FCC finally gets around to denying net neutrality complaint against Verizon
- The FCC Finally Starts Taking America’s Broadband Maps More Seriously
- Verizon’s New ‘Unlimited’ Data Plans Still Have Very Real, Problematic Limits
- AT&T Scores $1 Billion Contract To Rebuild DOJ Systems
- AT&T workers took $1 million in bribes to unlock 2 million phones, DOJ says
- AT&T Hopes A Confusing Rebranding Will Help Its Muddled Video Plans Make Sense
- Comcast’s “unlimited” mobile plan now costs $20 extra for HD video
- FCC adopts rules addressing spoofed texts and international robocalls
- After Missing Cord Cutting Trend, Nielsen Falls Apart
- European Court Of Justice Rules On Three Big Copyright Cases
- Have You Heard? If You Spread ‘Hurtful’ Rumors In China, You’ll Be Thrown Off The Internet For Years
- The ‘cesspool of hate’ message board 8chan was taken offline after being linked to 3 mass shootings this year
- Online providers knock 8chan offline after mass shooting
- 8chan resurfaces, along with The Daily Stormer and another Nazi site
- The Lawless Way to Disable 8chan: The decision to disable an infamous message board fell to Matthew Prince, an internet executive who is deeply uncomfortable with his own power.
- Trump Calls On Social Media Companies To Become Pre-Crime Agents
- From Trump to Fox News to 8chan – the web of white supremacist rhetoric is wide: Trump is a politician perfectly fitted for an ecosystem that amplifies extreme emotion and allows the loud to drown out the calm
- ‘Free Speech Defender’ Devin Nunes Sues More Critics, Promises More Such Lawsuits Are Coming
- Microsoft catches Russian state hackers using IoT devices to breach networks
- Image, ownership and an app made in St Petersburg
- Four questions about online hate speech
- Why Is Our First Reaction To Mass Shootings To Talk About Censorship?
- Using Restorative Justice To Deal With Internet Trolls And Jackasses
- Twitter users are escaping online hate by switching profiles to Germany, where Nazism is illegal
- Twitter to Remove Third-Party Data From Ad-Buying System: The change follows a similar move by Facebook and comes as privacy concerns grow
- Judge Not Impressed With DOJ’s Attempt To Claim Presidential Tweets And Orders Don’t Mean Anything
- iOS 13 privacy feature will force total overhaul for Facebook apps
- UK Lobbyist’s Long-Running Astroturf Efforts Shows Facebook Will Never Be Able To Stop Fake News, Ban All Conservatives
- Enough With The Myth That Big Tech Is ‘Censoring’ Conservatives AND That The Law Requires Them To Be Neutral
- New legislation is putting social networks in the crosshairs: Republicans and Democrats have ideas for regulating big tech platforms – and their bills are now moving through Congress
- A new bill aims to protect US voters from the next Cambridge Analytica
- FBI says “extremists” motivated by Pizzagate, QAnon are threats
- Cloudflare has had enough, cutting off 8chan
- Dumped by Cloudflare, 8chan gets back online—then gets kicked off again
- 8chan is all the way down—“It’s DNS. It’s always DNS.”
- Competition law scrutiny on tech giants spills over to the other side of the Atlantic (and the rest of the globe?)
- Once More With Feeling: Nearly All General Interest News Paywalls Will Fail
- UK’s Online Harms Regime Must be “Proportionate”, According to the ICO and Ofcom
- North Korea took $2 billion in cyberattacks to fund weapons program: U.N. report
- What Happens When The US Government Tries To Take On The Open Source Community?
- Philippines Lawmaker Introduces ‘Fake News’ Bill That Would Allow The National Police To Literally Police Speech
- Finland is winning the war on fake news. What it’s learned may be crucial to Western democracy
- Apple and Google temporarily stop listening to Siri and OK Google queries
- Apple suspends Siri response grading in response to privacy concerns
- Apple’s AirDrop and password sharing features can leak iPhone numbers
- Apple hones its focus on services with new TV deals for AirPlay 2, HomeKit
- The FTC is looking into the Amazon and Apple deal that crushed small resellers: Experts say the deal raises serious antitrust concerns
- Apple’s innovative virtual credit card is now available—but only to some people
- Apple isn’t the most cash-rich company in the world anymore, but it doesn’t matter
- FedEx Ends Ground-Delivery Deal With Amazon
- FedEx leaves Amazon on the doorstep as the store becomes a competitor
- Another Day, Another Company Leaving Sensitive User Data Exposed Publicly On The Amazon Cloud
- Google has a problem with pregnant workers, employee memo alleges
- Google will charge search providers to be the Android default in Europe: The top-three bidders will join Google on the choice screen
- Google Is Testing a $4.99 App Subscription Bundle
- Google launches new shopping service in the US
- Google publishes sustainability plan for hardware, but its impact is uncertain
- Big Four Broadcasters Sue Streaming Video Provider Locast, Claim It’s ‘Aereo 2.0’
- Bumble stumbles: State policy interests override dating app’s contractual forum
- Domino’s takes its case for non-accessible design to the Supreme Court: The ADA is almost 30 years old, but the company says websites don’t count.
- Facebook penalised $US5 billion by the FTC – A digital privacy reckoning
- Facebook open-sources algorithms for detecting child exploitation and terrorism imagery: Crowdsourcing a better solution to disturbing photos and videos
- No Immunity For Cops Who Arrested A Man For Creating A Facebook Page Mocking The Police Department
- What Facebook’s New Policy Means for Alcohol, Tobacco, and E-Cigarette Content and Sales
- Facebook’s settlements with the Federal Government—Key takeaways for all companies to consider
- Facebook just fine following eye-watering privacy penalty?
- Facebook briefly removes Area 51 event ‘by accident’
- Area 51 raid event ‘to see them aliens’ removed by Facebook: The event creator is planning a real-life festival to replace the tongue-in-cheek Area 51 raid.
- Tastemade Taps Ian Hecox, Meghan Rienks, Arden Rose For Facebook Watch Slate
- Facebook Wants to Integrate Instagram Direct Messages With Messenger
- What’s FaceApp and Facebook Got to Do with Competition Compliance in Canada?
- The Tax Man Taps the Brakes on Digital Currency Expansion
- Anime gets its #MeToo moment in clash between Dallas-area voice actors
- Netflix Is Asking Android Users For Permission To Track Their Physical Movements
- Utah Tax Commission Doesn’t Want a Piece of Your Video Streaming
- The Streaming Video-on-Demand War Is Going to Get Bloody: Media behemoths want to conquer a realm now dominated by the likes of Netflix.
- The Worst May Be Yet to Come for Netflix: There’s a long road ahead for the streaming giant as new competitors, including your phone company, step up
- Disney’s new streaming bundle priced to compete with “standard” Netflix plan
- Disney+, ESPN+, and Hulu will be bundled for $12.99. Netflix should be worried.: Disney is aggressively crafting the service to be an end-all, be-all for streaming subscribers.
- Insights: How Netflix Is Building Its Global Reach One Acquisition At A Time
- HBO Launches ‘Recommended by Humans’ Streaming Site in Dig at Netflix
- HBO Max secures exclusive US streaming rights for Doctor Who, other BBC series
- Malaysia Looks To Prosecute Homeowners Where Accused Streaming Piracy Occurs
- YouTube is the world’s top-grossing video app with $138M in user spending
- YouTube’s recent algorithm change explains why your feed is full of children’s videos: Including nursery rhymes and cartoons
- YouTube Tweaked Its Algorithm To Promote “Quality Family Content.” That Change Decimated Kid-Friendly Creators’ View Counts.
- Gizmodo: Why Can’t YouTube Do ‘Good’ Content Moderation? Answer: Because It’s Impossible
- YouTubers ‘The Ingham Family’ Are Selling $340 Dolls Of Their Newborn Son
- Michelle Obama To Launch College Advice Series On ‘YouTube Learning’ Hub
- Susan Wojcicki Discusses New Creator-On-Creator Harassment Policy In Sitdown With Alfie Deyes
- Claim Over Takedown Notice Triggers Anti-SLAPP Law & a Fee Shift–Complex v. X17 (Eric Goldman)
- Some Much-Needed Pushback on the Anti-Section 230 Craziness (Linkwrap) (Eric Goldman)
- Correcting the Record on Section 230’s Legislative History
- NY Times Joins Lots Of Other Media Sites In Totally And Completely Misrepresenting Section 230
- The scary trend of internet shutdowns
- Wake-up call: ways of working with influencers
- When Influencers Fail to Influence
- By Winning Motion to Dismiss, Supermodel Loses Chance to Clarify Whether She Can Lawfully Post Photos of Herself to Social Media
- Are you an influencer? Then you may well need to be a follower …
- Actor Wil Wheaton Sues Geek & Sundry For Shorting Him On Web Series Payment
- Bernie, Biden, And Warren Get Post-Democratic Debate Social Video Bump
- Snapchat Parent Company to Raise $1 Billion in Debt Financing, Citing Potential Acquisitions
- Snapchat To Raise $1 Billion In Debt Financing, In Part To Fund Acquisitions
- Snapchat Launches New, Streamlined Ad Creation Process
- Snapchat Launches Latest Batch Of ‘Creator Shows’ With The Kaplan Twins, Matt Steffanina, Teala Dunn
- Snapchat Takes Implicit Dig At Instagram In New Ad Campaign — On Instagram
- Following Platform-Wide Purge, Instagram Hires First Exec To Interface With Meme Accounts
- Tencent in Talks to Buy 10% of Universal Music Group
- Warner Posts Solid Third Quarter Results, Digital Revenue up 12.5%
- New EU and UK guidance on online terms and conditions and privacy policies
- Electronic credit contracts and signatures under Quebec Consumer Law
- Rocky Mountain States Make Headway in Blockchain-Related Legislation
- Building better legal blockchains: More law firms are testing the use of blockchain technology in their legal business, as organizations grapple with standards
- I tried to pay with bitcoin at a Mexico City bar—it didn’t go well
- Crypto Exchange and Payment Solutions Expand, New UK Guidance Issued, US Enforcement Actions Continue
- Online Platforms: “Walking” the line between legal and financial services compliance
- Paddling to surfing: the rise of Online Dispute Resolution
- Work Ruined Email: It’s not too late to fix it.
- MSDN Magazine will publish its last issue, ending a Microsoft developer era
- Now even funerals are livestreamed—and families are grateful
- Don’t Let This Get Lost In The Shuffle: The Data Transfer Project Is Expanding, And Could Help Create Real Competition Online
- Don’t worry – It’s publicly available on the internet!: Due diligence considerations with respect to licensing data and acquiring data-dependent businesses.
- From Apps On Your Phone To Satellites In The Sky, A New Program Looks Into The Ethics Of Mapping
- California now has a new Bot disclosure law – will other states follow suit?
- Roll over, Beethoven: Decoding the maestro’s musical style with statistics
- People don’t want to see workers replaced by a robot—themselves excepted
- Everyone Hates Customer Service. This Is Why.: Technology lets companies see how badly they can treat consumers, right up until the moment they bolt
- ‘We cannot have technology and sales take over safety’: Tesla is being sued again for a deadly Autopilot crash
- Feds told Tesla to stop making “misleading statements” on Model 3 safety
- Whitney Cummings—and her sex robot—take on modern womanhood
- Robotic tails for humans are here
- The Next Frontier: A.I. and the Efficiently Resourced Legal Department
- Computer Science Could Learn A Lot From Library And Information Science
- Artificial Intelligence: What we have seen so far in 2019 and what is to come…
- We Took a Ride on NYC’s First Self-Driving Shuttle
- Are Your AI Selection Tools Validated? OFCCP Provides Guidance for Validation of AI-Based Algorithms
- Oversight Report Shows The NSA Did Not Delete All The Inadvertently-Collected Phone Records It Claimed It Had Deleted
- Cisco pays $8.6 million for selling surveillance system it knew was vulnerable
- Cisco Shells Out $8.6 Million For Selling The Government Easily Hackable Tech
- Amazon Has Already Roped 200 Police Departments Into Its Ring Doorbell Surveillance/Promotional Scheme
- Police can get your Ring doorbell footage without a warrant, report says
- Louisiana Governor Declares Statewide Emergency After Cyber-Attacks Against School Systems
- The FTC’s Settlement With Equifax Is Such A Joke, The FTC Is Now Begging You Not To Ask For A Cash Settlement
- Class Action Against Yahoo!: A Data Breach is Not Always Evidence of Compensable Loss
- Ransomware, “wiper” malware attacks have more than doubled, IBM team says
- Microsoft Nabs Russian Hackers Exploiting Flimsy IOT Security
- Skype, Slack, other Electron-based apps can be easily backdoored
- Hong Kong protesters are using lasers to distract and confuse
- Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US
- Brace for controversy: Edward Snowden has written a memoir
- Barr says the US needs encryption backdoors to prevent “going dark.” Um, what?: “The FBI says they’re ‘going dark.’ Well yeah, because they’ve been staring at the sun.”
- WIPO Says Websites In Its Pirate Database Don’t Deserve Due Process Because ‘They Know What They’re Doing’
- New advanced malware, possibly nation sponsored, is targeting US utilities
- Google starts selling its Titan security key in Canada, Japan, the UK, and France: The rest of the world may follow
- Hush — They’re Listening to Us
- Facial Recognition Is Suddenly Everywhere. Should You Worry?
- GDPR Privacy FAQs: Do cookie banners that disclose the use of analytics or behavioral advertising cookies, and state that continued use of a website is deemed acceptance of those cookies, satisfy European privacy laws?
- Privacy and Cybersecurity State Law Tracker: Maine Consumer Privacy Law
- What all the stuff in email headers means—and how to sniff out spoofing
- Jury awards Joyful Noise $2.8M in copyright infringement damages for Katy Perry’s Dark Horse
- Who Wrote ‘Stairway to Heaven’? Music Industry Braces for Copyright Suits: A $2.8 million judgment against Katy Perry has record business worried about an onslaught of infringement cases
- Bat Out of Court: Meat Loaf Settles Copyright Lawsuit Over “I’d Do Anything For Love”
- A Decision of Interest to the Entertainment Industry: Is an event organizer responsible for an artist’s late appearance? Court dismisses class action regarding Travis Scott’s late appearance at Osheaga Festival.
- IP monitor – Confusion: more than just the sum of its parts
- Canadian Copyright Mass Litigation – Reasonable Reimbursement for Norwich Order Compliance
- Sex tech companies protest for the right to advertise—online or in the subway
- A History Of Women In Quentin Tarantino Movies: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has reignited discussion about how Tarantino depicts women.
- SLAPP Suit In Virginia Tries To Silence Historian Highlighting Ancestry Of Guy Suing To Keep Confederate Statues In Charlottesville
- Yes, That Banana Costume Is Copyrightable
- Court of a-peel: nasty split over banana costume leads to legal monkey business – Judge found a full-body banana costume sold by Arizona company may be too similar to one originally sold by a New Jersey costumer
- Copyright Protection for Banana Costumes Is, Uh, Bananas–Silvertop v. Kangaroo (Eric Goldman)
- Another Competitive Keyword Advertising Lawsuit Fails–Dr. Greenberg v. Perfect Body Image (Eric Goldman)
- Scotch Jedi: American Whiskey Isn’t Going Down Smooth
- 100% Natural Case 100% Dismissed: You Can’t Have a False Advertising Case Without Advertising
- Competition law considerations for licensing agreements in Canada
- 10 most urgent press freedom cases in August: One Free Press Coalition
- Brexit and… copyright – an update
- Parties agree to settle in Damion Perrine v. Sega of America
- TaxWatch: Activision Blizzard has dodged taxes on billions – UK think tank details how Call of Duty company’s corporate structure, IP royalty scheme minimizes money owed
- Republican politicians say videogames partly to blame for mass shootings: GOP House minority leader Kevin McCarthy says videogames ‘dehumanize individuals’.
- Another mass shooting, another wave of politicians pointing at video games
- In Wake Of Mass Shootings, Top Trade Org Refutes Trump’s Claim That Gaming Is To Blame
- ESA defends against Trump’s proposed video game crackdown: Meanwhile, publisher share prices fall in wake of US president’s address
- IGDA, IGDAF issue statement on weekend shootings in the US: Advocacy organizations defend industry following President Trump’s accusations against “gruesome and grisly video games”
- Biden says violent games are “not healthy” but not the cause of “carnage”
- DayZ has been refused classification by the Australian ratings board
- Psyonix is removing paid, randomized loot boxes fromRocket League this year
- After Epic purchase, Psyonix removes random loot boxes from Rocket League: Move follows similar removal in Epic’s Fortnite: Save the World.
- What did the FTC hear in its loot box workshop?: ESA defends virtual currency and dynamic drop rates as concerns are raised about consumer protection and similarities to gambling
- Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo team up to force loot box odds disclosures: Major publishers will also increase transparency in 2020 as FTC looks at loot boxes.
- Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony to launch platform-wide rules on loot box disclosures
- Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony to require loot box odds disclosure: Activision Blizzard, Bethesda, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Wizards of the Coast, and other publishers will also comply
- Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft to require loot box odds disclosure: ESA says platform holders will roll out new policy that would apply to new games and updates that add loot box features
- Consumer advocates to ESRB, FTC: Loot box odds disclosure is not enough – Consumer Reports’ Anna Laitin – “A kid is not going to make a better decision with odds disclosure”
- Blog: The glorious, profitable, inescapable art of addiction
- The flawed Kinder Egg defence: The University of Adelaide’s Dr Daniel King on what his “Unfair Play” academic study reveals about the industry’s monetisation practices
- Psyonix removes paid, randomized crates from Rocket League: Replacement system will show exact items being purchased, similar to Fortnite
- 18% of all physical ESRB-rated games have received an ‘in-game purchases’ label
- FaZe Clan Countersues Tfue, Claims He Cost The Company “Many Millions” In Lost Income
- FaZe Clan Claims ‘Fortnite’ Star Tfue Is Using Its Secrets to Launch a Competitor
- Faze Clan countersues its Fortnite pro Tfue: Team responds to claims of illegal contract by saying player violated confidentiality and non-disparagement clauses
- Super Mario Mischief
- Ion Maiden — new video game alleged to infringe heavy metal band’s trade mark
- An in-game casino gave GTA Online its biggest player surge since launch
- Fig to pay lump sum to Wasteland 3 investors as Microsoft buys publishing rights
- Wasteland 3 investors will receive lump payout following studio acquisition: Microsoft’s acquisition of inXile will get Fig investors higher-than-promised dividend rate
- Fig plans payouts for Psychonauts 2 investors after Double Fine joins Microsoft
- Microsoft’s Double Fine acquisition results in early Psychonauts 2 investor payout: Rate is higher than original promise, but eliminates chance to earn more on greater success
- E3 data breach that exposed 2,000 journalists’ private data puts ESA in legal crosshairs
- E3 accidentally leaks personal details of journalists, YouTubers and analysts: Over 2,000 names on the list
- ESA has previously leaked media’s personal details for E3: Files have now been taken down from web archive, ESA “still investigating the matter”
- ESA also leaked E3 2018’s media attendee list: Data has now been removed but was still live earlier this year, despite show organisers being alerted last September
- UK’s Video Games Tax Relief has paid out £324m in five years: Over 1,000 claims have been made by developers and publishers since incentive launched in 2014
- German games market’s headcount declines, but small companies on the rise: More than 11,000 people and 600 companies in Germany develop and distribute games
- What to do when Bolivia hates you: Lewis Manalo used his life experiences to write on Ghost Recon – Wildlands, and was met with the wrath of both the critics and the entire country of Bolivia
- Real people starring in porn games is a surreal new frontier: We talked to model and YouTuber LetyDoesStuff about starring in the sex game House Party.
- It’s A New Dawn For ‘Minecraft’ Content On YouTube. Here’s What Sparked The Renaissance.
- Ninja, one of Twitch’s top streamers, has left the platform for Mixer
- Ninja ditches Twitch for exclusive streaming deal with Mixer
- Ninja Ditches Twitch, Will Exclusively Stream On Microsoft’s Mixer
- Ninja’ed: Microsoft swipes top game-streamer from Amazon’s Twitch
- Ninja departure is “unlikely to diminish” Twitch: But it marks a “turning point” for Mixer, says analyst
- Ninja off to strong start on Mixer: Racks up one million free subscriptions since announcing deal last week
- Ninja Nabs 350,000 Mixer Followers Overnight, Catapults App To Top Of Charts
- Ninja Accumulates 1 Million Mixer Subscribers In 6 Days, Thanks In Part To Free Offer
- Mixer criticised for “breast-focused” streamer clothing guidelines: Twitch partner says rules deem female body “inherently inappropriate”, Microsoft will “evaluate if changes are needed”
- Blog: 7 questions to answer before marketing on Twitch
- Ooblets devs reveal threats of violence and racist abuse following Epic Store announcement: Despite the appalling backlash, the developers say that going with the Epic Games Store was the right call.
- Ooblets dev received thousands of “hateful, threatening messages” over Epic exclusivity: Glumberland on being the target of online hate: “I had no idea it was this bad”
- Ooblets devs break down their Epic Games Store exclusivity decision
- Regarding what’s been happening
- Ooblets dev stands by comments about toxic, entitled gamers: Wave of anti-Semitic, homophobic, racist abuse over Epic Games store exclusivity fails to convince Glumberland dev to recant statements
- Epic Games denounces “disturbing trend” of harassment toward its partners: Following Ooblets exclusivity deal, Epic professes commitment to supporting its partners
- Epic exclusivity deal covered Ooblets’ sales forecast across all stores: Glumberland offers insight into how important exclusivity can be for a smaller team
- Don’t Miss: Building an audience early with visuals-first development in Ooblets
- Steam’s Interactive Recommender landed 10,000 new games on wishlists
- Severe local 0-Day escalation exploit found in Steam Client Services
- Dapper Labs Partners With NBA To Launch Digital Collectibles Game
- Revenue and bookings up at Zynga, despite slowing active users on mobile
- After Japanese, Korean success, Zynga turns to China: COO Matt Bromberg: “We’re trying to take a measured approach”
- Russian dev My.Games and Chinese publisher iDreamSky partner for global expansion
- Creative Assembly and NetEase partner up to bring Total War to China
- Koch Media opens Polish publishing office to boost presence in Europe
- Ubisoft acquires mobile publisher Green Panda Games: 70% stake in Paris-based studio could raise to 100% over four years
- Borderlands 2 has sold 22 million units to date: Franchise overall has reached 48 million units, buoyed by lead-in to Borderlands 3 launch
- Final Fantasy and Romancing SaGa boost sales at Square Enix despite profit downturn
- Square Enix kicks off financial year with Q1 sales of $501m: Sales up 19%, income rises 86% – driven in part by Final Fantasy XIV and remasters
- UK Charts: Fire Emblem Three Houses scores second week at No.1: Madden arrives at No.5
- Modern Pick Entertainment to acquire “substantial” stake in Slightly Mad Studios: European publisher says dev “fits perfectly” with non-violent esports mission
- Obsidian “is not a crunch studio”: “We’d rather cut something than try and get people to not have a life outside the industry”
- Glu Mobile sees record quarterly bookings in Q2 2019: Mobile publisher lowers full-year guidance to “reflect the timing of new launches”
- At Schell Games, culture is the antidote to crunch and conflict: CEO Jesse Schell and four of the studio’s original executives discuss the importance of stability, team-building, and open communication
- Yuke’s splits from WWE 2K franchise: Japanese studio will continue to support the game engine, but isn’t directly involved in WWE games for the first time in two decades
- Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick ‘feels good’ about Google Stadia’s release
- Strauss Zelnick: Take-Two is “open-minded” on streaming, subscriptions – Despite caution on subscriptions, CEO says the company will “be where the consumer is”
- Digital net revenue up to $427.8 million for the quarter at Take-Two Interactive
- Take-Two Interactive ups full-year guidance following strong recurrent returns: Red Dead Redemption 2 has sold 25m units; NBA 2K19 has sold nearly 12m; Civilization VI over 5.5m
- Automaton Games enters administration: Improbable offers to match former employees with open positions at SpatialOS developer
- Studio71 Launches ‘The Binding Of Isaac’ Card Game At Target: Studio71 launches strategy card game based on indie video game.
- Blog: Preparing for the changes to Google Play’s ratings system
- Google is developing a game and app subscription service called Play Pass
- Tencent launches its cloud services on WeGame in China:
- Moonlight Blade, Chinese Parents, Blood of Steel, others can be played instantly on the service without download
- Tencent aiding with localization, online services for the Switch’s move into China
- Temporary Pokémon Center coming to London: Pop-up store opening at Westfield to coincide with Sword and Shield launch
- Nintendo and Tencent working to localize Switch games for China: No Switch software has been approved by Chinese government so far, four games shown at ChinaJoy 2019
- Blog: How I got my Nintendo Switch port to run at 60fps
- Here’s why Nintendo Switch consoles keep frying
- $13,000 NES cartridge found at the bottom of a Safeway sack
- New ‘Game Trials’ program will let Switch Online members try games for free
- Why is Electronic Arts almost completely ignoring the Switch?
- EA CEO: The Switch isn’t players’ first choice for multi-platform EA games
- EA: Our players often choose other platforms over Nintendo Switch – EA explains absence of games like The Sims 4 on Switch, points to $300m-plus bookings forecast for The Sims 4
- EA: Subscriptions combined with cloud services will “lower the barriers” to gaming – CEO Andrew Wilson suggests cloud services paired with subscriptions would cause “shift” in gaming
- Roblox has surpassed 100 million monthly active users
- Pokémon GO reaches over one billion downloads worldwide: Niantic’s location-based Pokémon catching adventure achieves milestone just over three years after launch
- Console Wars—a book about the Genesis and SNES—will become a TV show
- DuckTales: Remastered is being pulled from digital stores on August 8
- Enduring popularity of key franchises helps boost sales and profits at Capcom
- Capcom profits up 50.8% thanks to “highly profitable” digital downloads: Japanese publisher increases focus on esports as it restructures unprofitable arcade business
- “NBA Last 90” Foreshadows the Potentially Lucrative Intersection of eSports and Sports Betting
- Chinese publisher NetEase is building a $725 million esports park in Shanghai
- NetEase reveals plans for $700m esports stadium in Shanghai: Stadium to feature game development, team building, and training facilities
- EVO in trouble with Bandai Namco, Konami and Solid Snake actor David Hayter: Tekken tournament organisers used iconic character in promo video without permission from any of the above
- Nexon to acquire Swedish game developer Embark Studios
- Nexon to fully acquire stock in Embark Studios: Nexon’s Western development strategy will now be “driven” by Embark founder Patrick Söderlund
- Layoffs at Nexon America as two California-based offices are closed
- Nexon closes second US office in a month: LA-based Division Partners precedes the closure of Nexon M later this month
- Slitherine acquires Master of Magic publishing rights from Atari
- Slitherine acquires Master of Magic franchise: Strategy game developer hints at publishing sequel to 1994 MS-DOS title
- Flurry of New Apple ‘AR/VR’ Job Listings Point to New Products on the Horizon
- Iconic VR Film ‘The Matrix’ to Return to Select Theaters for 20th Anniversary
- XRDC: 59% of AR/VR developers are working on games – Oculus Rift surpassed HTC Vive this year as the top AR/VR/MR development platform
- Valve Cancels VirtualLink Adapter Accessory for Index, Cites Technical Issues & Laptop Adoption
- Valve clamping down on abuse of Steam’s Popular Upcoming list: Developers reportedly now need Valve’s approval before changing release date
- Oculus Rift surpasses HTC Vive as VR devs’ top platform in new XRDC Innovation Report!
- Here’s What Facebook Says About Camera Privacy on Quest & Rift S
- Video: Reinventing a platformer for VR the Astro Bot way
- Over 50 ‘field leaders’ laid off at GameStop due to ongoing cost-cutting
- Why the gaming world will be worse once GameStop is gone
- Video: A postmortem of indie kingdom-builder Kingdoms and Castles
- Video: Delivering data-driven dynamic gameplay effects inFor Honor
- Video: What an art-house indie learned from a year of working in F2P
- Video: How Slay the Spire achieved success through marketability
- Dangen Entertainment: What it really costs to run an indie publishing label – With the right focus and the right relationships, the Osaka-based publisher can find success with 10,000 units sold
- Genetics-themed survival game Niche is heading to schools for free
- Immortalising your grandmother in a WWII game: Bob De Schutter talks us through the inspiration and incredible true stories behind his PC title Brukel
- Don’t Miss: Building the monstrous transforming puzzle heads of GNOG
- Don’t Miss: Deconstructing the development and design ofGravity Ghost
- Don’t Miss: The Chinese Room’s Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs postmortem
- Don’t Miss: Deconstructing the art design of Journey
- This War of Mine: Five years later – Publishing director Paweł Feldman on how 11 bit Studios managed the game’s life-cycle and ensured steady sales
- Niche developer offers game to schools for free: Stray Fawn Studio encourages teachers to get in touch for free classroom codes
- How Diablo meets Left 4 Dead in co-op action RPGKillsquad
- Metal Wolf Chaos XD: A weirdly timed return to 2004’s robo-blasting innocence
- The design and iteration of tactical deck-building gameNowhere Prophet
- Giving players the ability to bump off any NPC in The Outer Worlds was ‘insanely hard’
- Making family matter in Children of Morta
- The three eras of game discoverability
- nWay introduces blockchain solution to its development platform: Power Rangers: Legacy Wars developer adds support for unified marketplace across all nWayPlay games
- Video Gaming / E-Gaming Law Update
- U.S. Patent No. 5,885,156: Video game apparatus, method of controlling the growth of play character in video game, and video game medium therefor
- Halo TV series pushed to 2021: Production on Showtime adaptation begins later this year with Natascha McElhone and Bokeem Woodbine among announced cast