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News of the Week; June 5, 2019

COMMUNICATIONS SCC decision highlights tension between access to justice and party autonomy: Gives clarity around arbitration clauses Cogeco Warns Against Online Video Services Undermining Canadian Sovereignty in BTLR Submission (Michael Geist) The Trouble with Trebles: Fourth Circuit Upholds Record $61 Million Vendor Liability Verdict in TCPA Class Action If ‘Big Tech’ Is a Huge Antitrust […]

“Regulation & Blockchain”: Presentation at the 3rd Annual BlockChain@UBC Summer Institute

Blockchain has not been an ever-present subject in Communications Law. That said the subject has certainly come up on a reasonably regular basis in the context of the course over the years. Personally, the jury is mostly still out for me on whether blockchain is merely a proposed answer to questions few if any are […]

News of the Week; May 29, 2019

COMMUNICATIONS No Mandated Netflix Cancon Payments: Shaw Argues Success Lies in More Regulatory Flexibility in BTLR Submission (Michael Geist) Self-Serving in the Extreme: Bell’s Broadcast and Telecom Submission to the BTLR Revealed (Michael Geist) Ajit Pai May Have Lied To Congress About FCC’s Failure To Address Wireless Location Data Scandals If Facebook’s Privacy Practices Anger […]

News of the Week; May 22, 2019

COMMUNICATIONS Cable TV customer satisfaction falls even further behind streaming video: Pay-TV again ranks last in customer satisfaction among all US industries. US Targets Telecommunications Transactions Involving the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain Chairman Pai, Commissioner Carr Issue Formal Statements Supporting T-Mobile/Sprint Merger; Commissioner O’Rielly Also “Inclined” to Support Merger Ajit Pai OKs […]

News of the Week; May 15, 2019

COMMUNICATIONS 1.28 Million US Residents Cut The TV Cord Last Quarter All Four Major Wireless Carriers Hit With Lawsuits Over Sharing, Selling Location Data AT&T promised 7,000 new jobs to get tax break—it cut 23,000 jobs instead AT&T, Verizon Employees Caught Up In DOJ SIM Hijacking Bust Ajit Pai’s robocall plan lets carriers charge for […]

News of the Week; May 8, 2019

COMMUNICATIONS   CRTC Issues Its First Penalty Against a CEO for Violating Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation  CRTC ups the CASL liability ante for directors and officers  More Than 100 CNN Staffers Take Buyouts as AT&T Pares Debt CMS Finalizes Rule Requiring Disclosure of Drug Prices in TV Ads  Verizon Media Said to Be Looking for Tumblr […]

News of the Week; May 1, 2019

COMMUNICATIONS  SCC decision could focus on CRTC’s reach Anti-spam laws are overreaching, say lawyers  Of Course Wireless Carriers Are Fighting a Bill That Stops Them From Throttling Firefighters’ Data  Verizon Media Unveils Augmented Reality News Partner Program, 5G Tech At NewFronts AT&T Settles Lawsuit Over ‘Fake 5G,’ Won’t Change A Thing Ajit Pai-proposed upgrade to […]

“To Regulate or Not to Regulate?”: Some final (personal) thoughts.

For the past two academic years, the base theme of Communications Law was “To Regulate or Not to Regulate”. At first the question was really just a useful way to “sharpen the saw” (apologies to Stephen Covey), allowing space for the possible self-renewal of communications law through a unified theory (apologies to Albert Einstein) that […]

News of the Week; April 24, 2019

COMMUNICATIONS Millimeter-wave 5G will never scale beyond dense urban areas, T-Mobile says The DOJ Isn’t Buying T-Mobile’s Nonsensical Merger Benefit Claims AT&T’s fake 5G icons aren’t going away despite settlement with Sprint AT&T says 5G will be priced like home Internet—pay more for faster speeds Exit of AT&T’s WarnerMedia could spell trouble for OpenAP AT&T […]

News of the Week; April 17, 2019

COMMUNICATIONS Wind, Sleet, and Dead Zones: My Quest to Map Chicago’s Spotty 5G What will journalism do with 5G’s speed and capacity? Here are some ideas, from ‘The New York Times’ and elsewhere T-Mobile/Sprint merger is in danger of being rejected by DOJ T-Mobile’s ‘Revolutionary’ New TV Service Looks Like The Same Old Crap  FCC […]