See you later Allard Comm. Law 2019
There is an inherent contradiction in saying goodbye to a communications law class in 2019. There are precious few certainties given the multi-dimensional nature of the subject, but one feature we can identify with reasonable certainty is that there are few if any permanent goodbyes. Communications technologies make information frighteningly persistent. Even the right to […]
News of the Week; April 10, 2019
MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS & NET NEUTRALITY Supporting a More Competitive Canadian Wireless Market: Speak Out on Navdeep Bains’ Proposed CRTC Policy Direction (Michael Geist) FCC Proposes Protections for 5G Infrastructure Hub and Relay Antennas to Spur Deployment In Verizon 5G launch city, reviewers have trouble even finding a signal Verizon’s ‘World First’ 5G Launch Was A […]
(Sincere or not…) Answer of the Week (Class 11): “I believe we need a more active role for governments and regulators” – Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook
By the time end of term rolled around, everyone in our course surely was feeling a bit too familiar with our oft-repeated theme/query “To regulate or not to regulate?”. Lucky for us then that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has taken it upon himself to answer the question, and perhaps in an unexpected way at that. […]
News of the Week; April 3, 2019
MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS & NET NEUTRALITY A Netflix Crisis?: Foreign Funding Now By Far the Largest Source of Financing for Canadian Fictional English Language TV Production (Michael Geist) Company Ordered to Pay Woman $459K After Spamming Her With More Than 300 Robocalls FCC “fined” robocallers $208 million since 2015 but collected only $6,790 FTC Shuts Down […]
News of the Week; March 27, 2019
MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS & NET NEUTRALITY Cable Industry Embarrassed By The Word ‘Cable,’ Stops Using It FCC has to pay journalist $43,000 after hiding net neutrality records FCC (Read: Taxpayers) Forced To Pay Journalist’s Legal Bills After Tap Dancing Around FOIA Requests T-Mobile’s $50 home Internet service has no data cap, but plenty of limits AT&T’s […]
Question of the Week (Class 10): Should the rules regarding Canadian Content contained in the Broadcasting Act & Regulations continue?
Canadian Content regulation has for decades been a prime focus in any debate about our communications system. In the digital media age, the issue is still present but sometimes feels like it is covered up by the overwhelming changes and innovations bred through the mostly unregulated and seemingly more urgent issues of social media today. […]
March 25th Presentation: Collection of Bio Data
This week, we will be discussing the collection of bio data including wearable technology, health apps, and direct-to-consumer DNA testing. Please consider the following discussion questions prior to class. 1. Have you ever purchased a piece of wearable technology, such as an Apple Watch? What are your thoughts on privacy considerations surrounding the collection of […]