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I Want Your Opinion: Driving Force Behind Facebook Pivot?

Hey all, I’m sure we’ve all heard about Mark Zuckerberg’s recent post on Facebook titled “A Privacy-Focused Vision for Social Networking” that many are calling a manifesto of sorts. I don’t want to give too many opinions about the post since it has been commented on ad nauseum (including in a few good articles included […]

Question of the Week (Class 8): Should Canadian ownership of telecommunications companies continue to be required?

Last week, the Canadian Government issued a Direction to the CRTC under the Telecommunications Act with a view to increasing competition and lowering cellular phone prices Canada has had Canadian ownership rules in both broadcasting and telecom in place for a very, very long time. For years it appeared that the Canadian government was planning […]

The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism

Ahead of the presentation by Mishaal, Manny and I tomorrow, feel free to take a look at the following link: Our presentation focuses on the CRTC and the licensing process as well as net neutrality. I was unaware just how restricted the internet is in many places in the world.

AI Assistants: Privacy Implications and the Need to Regulate

On March 19th we will discuss AI assistants (Alexa, Google, Siri, etc.), their privacy implications, and their regulatory framework (or lack thereof). While Alexa can help you order items off Amazon and Siri can help you make a hands-free call while driving, there is widespread controversy over what exactly these devices are listening to and […]

Social Media and Fake News

This week, we will be discussing the proliferation of the fake news phenomenon by examining why it matters, how it spreads, different motivations behind it, and possible legal, market-based, and code-based approaches to addressing it. In preparation for Tuesday, please have a look at this YouTube video discussing how to spot fake news, and this […]

Terms of Use of Instagram explained to an 8 years old

I found a French article about terms and conditions of Instagram that I wanted to share with you because it raises the issues of children on social media and because even adult can benefit from this article to better understand the “rules of Instagram”. What if terms and conditions of use of Instagram were explained […]

News of the Week; March 6, 2019

MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS & NET NEUTRALITY Democrats’ net neutrality bill would fully restore Obama-era FCC rules AT&T Begins Trying To Screw Up HBO In Earnest HBO CEO Richard Plepler, Who Forever Shifted TV Landscape, Abruptly Steps Down HBO boss quits as owner AT&T seeks more shows and more profit “The AT&T Guys, At The End Of […]

The Gendering of Personal Assistants: Talk by Dr. Rachel Adams

A.I. is here and growing. The future of A.I. as both an engine of communications technologies and as a middleware interface to communicate with us is hard to doubt. A fascinating thing about technology which comes up again and again is how, no matter what the objective choices might be, we have the marked tendency […]

Question of the Week (Class 7): Will your mobile phone bills decrease?

This past week the Liberal government issued a Direction to the CRTC to emphasize competition, affordability, consumer interests, and innovation in its decisions. The  hope, plainly, is that mobile phone bills which as we have previously seen are on average second highest in the world, will decrease. Stories (click on to read) and the Direction […]