Drawbacks of Automated Web Content Moderation
DoorDash Spent $5.5 Million To Advertise Their $1 Million Charity Donation byu/bubblydeadpan innottheonion This is a little bit of a throwback to the week of the Super Bowl but I thought that this event was a little too juicy to pass up writing on for a post. For their Super Bowl ad, DoorDash spent $5.5 […]
Presentation: Internet Censorship of Sexually Explicit Content (link to slides)
Hi all! Here is the link to our presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IG0ifbfRI81MOaesaPF6oaJAT1O1c_EK-cfGA7EpRZw/edit?usp=sharing I have also inserted a pdf version for ease of use: Comm law – censorship presentation Hellen & Saska
Presentation: Cyberbullying, Regulation and Accountability
Hello everyone! I’ve attached my powerpoint presentation on Cyberbullying, Regulation and Accountability. Due to problems with file size, I’ve split my presentation into 3 Parts. My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused. Vanessa’s Presentation on Cyberbullying Part 1 Vanessa’s Presentation on Cyberbullying Part 2 Vanessa’s Presentation on Cyberbullying Part 3 I chose to research and […]