AI chips and NVIDIA

Recently I have been interested in the AI boom, especially with all the discussions we have had in class about AI. I have also been curious about NVIDA’s stock boom during the last year. Turns out that the GPU technology that NVIDIA has focussed on for the longest time has given them a competitive edge in the AI space as these GPUs are especially useful for the “math involved in AI computing” (Reuters, 2023). Mr. Huang, CEO of Nvidia, realized the completive advantage that its GPUs could bring and “invested Nvidia’s resources in creating a tool to make GPUs programmable, thereby opening up their parallel processing capabilities for uses beyond graphics” (Morris, 2023).  I am curious to see how Intel, AMD, or companies that make in-house chips compete with NVIDIA. I am also interested to see if NVDIDA can keep up its growth within this space.

Reuters. (2023, June 14). Explainer: Why are Nvidia’s shares soaring and what is its role in the AI boom? Reuters

Morris, B. Z. C. &. B. (2023, May 30). Nvidia: The chip maker that became an AI superpower. BBC News

Davinder Hundal

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