February 8 “Facebook” Slides
Hey everyone, Thanks for the lively discussion today. Here are the slides (in .PDF form) from our presentation.
February 8th Presentation Materials
Hello everyone, This week in Comms law we’re doing a presentation on Facebook’s alleged privacy infringements and the broader societal implications of “Big Data”. If you find yourself some time to spare, take a skim through this informal Q&A with Facebook Global Deputy Chief Privacy Officer Stephen Deadman. This video raises many privacy concerns regarding Facebook […]
News of the Week; February 1, 2017
MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS & NET NEUTRALITY Ajit Pai on net neutrality: “I favor an open Internet and I oppose Title II”: New FCC chairman won’t say whether he’ll enforce net neutrality rules. FCC Chairman Pai takes Wheeler’s set-top box plan off the table: Cable industry was open to compromise, but no Republican plan has been offered. […]
Powerpoint for February 1st Group Presentation
Hey all; thanks for your comments in class today. See below for the PowerPoint presentation.