Archives by date

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US House Votes in Favor of Letting ISPs Sell Users’ Browsing History

Today, the US House of Representatives voted to repeal a set of rules passed by the FCC last year which required ISPs to get a user’s explicit consent before selling their personal data (including browsing history).  The legislation still needs presidential approval, although the White House has stated that it “strongly supports” the repeal. Critics […]

How Yahoo Was Hacked

Hi everyone, This article explains how Russian hackers were able to compromise Yahoo e-mails. Thought it was an interesting read.

Course Evaluations

To the extent possible, please bring your laptops to class tomorrow as course evaluations will take up the first 15 minutes of the class. If you want to do the evaluations in advance they are available at: You will be able to complete evaluations until 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 9. Thanks, Jon