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News of the Week; February 6, 2019

MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS & NET NEUTRALITY   Canada’s Bell Tried To Have VPNs Banned During NAFTA Negotiations The Real Over-the-Top: CBC President Likens Netflix to Cultural Imperialism Such As the British in India or French in Africa (Michael Geist) Hidden in Plain Sight?: The Search For Canadian Content on Netflix (Michael Geist) Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop Gets With […]

Tinder, Dating Apps, and Privacy Policy – Discussion Outline

Tinder, Dating Apps, and Privacy Policy (Brendon Easton, Cayleigh Handford, Sarah Manschreck, and Margaux Ripert) Discussion Outline 1. Foundations a. What is personal data? b. Why do we want to keep it private? c. Risks d. Issues: Grindr HIV scandal, Ashley Madison case, Guardian article on Tinder 2. Overview of Privacy Legislation in Canada a. […]

Importance of the European Union GDPR

In May 2018, the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) came into force, which accelerated the European Union into a new era of having the world’s strongest data protection laws. The European Data Protection legislation was the basis of the famous Google v Costeja González (C-131/12 (2014)) case, in which it was ruled that […]

Class 5 Slides & Video – The Honourable Marshall Rothstein C.C., Q.C.; + “Broadcasting & Telecommunications: Origins, Policies & Law Part 1”

Video & slides below. Huge thanks to the Honourable Marshall Rothstein C.C., Q.C. for his generosity in spending so much time with us today talking about his judgment in Reference re Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-167 and Broadcasting Order CRTC 2010-168, 2012 SCC 68, [2012] 3 S.C.R. 489 and its ramifications. During our discussions today we mentioned […]

Questions of the Week (Class 5): For The Honourable Marshall Rothstein C.C., Q.C.

At our guest’s request I put together some questions which we reviewed over the weekend and which will guide at least parts of Justice Rothstein’s remarks and our interactions. May be helpful to post them as they may spur further thoughts:   “Questions that the Honourable Mr. Justice Marshall Rothstein, Q.C. might want to consider […]

Special Guest on Tuesday February 5, 2019: The Honourable Marshall Rothstein C.C., Q.C

It is a thrill and an honour to welcome to our next class the Honourable Marshall Rothstein C.C., Q.C. He will speak about In Reference re Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-167 and Broadcasting Order CRTC 2010-168, 2012 SCC 68, [2012] 3 S.C.R. 489 where he wrote the judgment for the majority. In that context he will provide some […]

News of the Week; January 30, 2019

MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS & NET NEUTRALITY Canadians Pay The Highest Rates For Wireless Data, And The US Is About To Follow Suit ACTRA Wants Government To Penalize Search Engines that Refuse to Promote Canadian Content in Search Results (Michael Geist) Building a Digital Wall: What Lies Behind The Emerging Battle Over New Taxes to Support Canadian […]

Class 4 Slides & Video – “The Many Meanings of Broadcasting”

Slides and video below. Also below you will find  the video we watched in class of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers partner Mary Meeker delivering her internet trends report at the 2017 Code Conference. Below that is her 2018 report presentation. Finally, the world changing technology ideas brainstormed were (in particular order other than receipt): […]

EU Article 13 Copyright Law/Youtube.

In September 2017 the European Parliament voted on an amended version of the EU copyright law. Overall, the directive intended to find a balance between rights holders (record companies or publishers) and platforms such as YouTube. Article 13 of this EU’s new Directive on Copyright is very controversial. The fact that platforms will be liable […]

Question of the Week (Class 4): Should there be “should’s” in S. 3 of the Broadcasting Act?

As we started discussing last week, S.3 of the Broadcasting Act (S.C. 1991, c. 11) is bit different from most other statutory provisions you might have come across. It is rather full of the word “should”. This is in stark contrast to most statutory drafting norms and, interestingly for our purposes, quite different in style if not […]