Why taking Facebook quizzes is a really bad idea

The following CBC article is an interesting read: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/tech-columnist-warns-against-taking-social-media-quizzes-for-fun-1.5442282.

This article warns about the potential harm that can result from participating in seemingly innocent social media quizzes (ex. Which “Friends” Character Are You?).

I think by now most of us are aware that social media enterprises like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc are collecting our personal data to target advertisements and sell info to businesses. On the one hand, I’m sure this makes many users uncomfortable, but on the other hand, I think many are used to this fact and still willing to proceed. That being said, I never considered that something as innocent as doing a quiz or playing a game on a social media site could lead to aiding a hacker in stealing my identity or tracking my personal information. This will definitely make me think twice about what I click on when using social media sites. As stated by cyber security expert Prof. Nur Zincir-Heywood from Dalhousie University, “Free quizzes offered on social media actually aren’t free – you’re paying with your personal data.”

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