Artist Fakes Traffic Jams on Google Maps

It has become common-place for drivers to get in their car and automatically plug their destination into Google Maps or a similar navigation app. Gone are the days of map books and stopping for directions, today a driver is not only able to know how to get to their destination, but also how long it will take to get there depending on the traffic conditions. This information is taken for granted by commuters, something that artist Simon Weckert sought to draw attention to. Towing a wagon filled with 99 smart phones connected to Google Maps, Weckert walked up and down empty Berlin streets and was able trick Google Maps into believing there was heavy traffic. In the video below, you are able to see Google Maps turn the streets Weckert is on to traffic-heavy red zones and re-route drivers around these supposedly “congested” areas.

Through this stunt, Weckert sought to draw attention to “the blind trust that many people place in tech companies” and highlight the fact that “there is no such thing as neutral data.” While amusing, this story does remind me that when using Google Maps I am effectively a “data point.” Technology isn’t infallible, and it is important to be aware of the data you are creating and how this data could potentially be used.

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