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Presentation: Echo Chambers, Algorithms, and Social Media

Hi everyone! Happy last week of class! We (Lily + Jen) have a presentation for you on the topic of echo chambers and social media algorithms. We ask that you listen to this brief TED talk before the presentation: The presentation can be found here: The presentation itself has embedded audio recordings that […]

Google autocomplete helps mislead public, legitimize conspiracy theorists: SFU study

Here is the SFU article:–legitimize-conspiracy-.html “According to Google, the subtitles generate automatically by complex algorithms and the engine cannot accept or create custom subtitles. ” Is this a good defense? We’ve seen changes to Google and social media platforms following the terrifying amount of mis-and-disinformation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, where sources are checked and […]

NCDII Presentation by Michelle M

Hi everyone, Happy April! I’m linking here my video presentation on Non-Consensual Disclosure of Intimate Images (NCDII). Please feel free to share any thoughts or comments on this post. Thank you! Michelle Markell